Chapter 21

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I grabbed Lexi and brought her in to the water with me.

" aHaHhhHh Daniel i still have my clothes on" she squealed.

" Fine take your clothes off and then i'm gonna get you!"

Lexi looked at me weird " ok?" i realized that sounded weird. I blushed turning back in the water.

Lexi took her clothes off, revealing her swimsuit. When i saw her my heart skipped a beat. She was breathtaking.

I stopped staring before she noticed, but it was tough not to look at her. She was just so beautiful. I got out of the water and took my shirt of. I could fell lexis eyes on my and i was grateful for all the hours me and the boys had spent at the gym.

Lexi was wading in the water, talking to gabbie. I snuck up behind her, motioning for gabbie to not tell her.

Just as lexi started to turn around. i wrapped my arms around her and lifted her into the air.

" AhHh DANIEL SEAVEY PUT ME DOWN" lexi squealed.

" As you wish" i dropped her into the water. She came up gasping for air and hitting me.

" That's not what i ment!!"  Lexi splashed me and i splashed her back.

" Hey Daniel" zach called "what"  i turned to face zach, getting a face full of water in the process. " That's for splashing me"

" Oh your gonna get it!"

For the next half hour we all splashed each other, Jess and Ryan joining in. " Chicken fight!" Christina yelled, jumping on Corbyns shoulders.

I looked at Lexi before crouching down in front of her. She jumped on my shoulders without hesitation. I stood up easily, Lexi weighed no more than a feather.

We all fought each other until it came to the two standing.

Me and Lexi against Tate And Jonah.

" Now ladies and gentlemen, the moment we've all been waiting for! On the left we have... Jatum!!! And on the right we have... Dexi!!!" Corbyn commentated

"And fight in 3...2..1" I walked forward and lexi got ready to start pushing. Lexi has told me that she plays soccer so if worst comes to worst, we can always play dirty and kick Jonah in the stomach.

We pushed each other for the better part of a minute. This was gonna be hard, considering how well built Jonah is.

It went on for another minute or so before Jonah's knee twitched a little and we took advantage, pushing them down till they fell back in the water.

" Ladies and Gentlemen we have our winners!!"

*lexis p.o.v*
A little while after me and the girls went to take so pictures while the boys messed around.

v*A little while after me and the girls went to take so pictures while the boys messed around

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~beach day?? yes please~
tagged: gabbiegonzalez

Comments :

@gabbiegonzalez ~ picture credz✌️
@itslexivoigt ~ ya already know it❤️

@wdwdrama ~ are the boys there??

@wdwfan1 ~ dexi??😏❤️

@beautychickee ~ 😏💦
                          @itslexivoigt ~ yes mama😏❤️
                   @corbynbesson {@beautychickee} ~ hey 
                    @beautychickee {@corbynbesson} ~ 😏   ❤️
@tatedahl ~ wifey

@seaveydaniel ~ beautiful 🤤
                         @itslexivoigt ~ 🤭❤️

We finish at the beach and all decided to get ice cream.

We got there and all got our orders. Daniel offered to pay for mine but i refused, even though all the other boys where paying for there girls, including Ryan.

" Come on lexi please" he begged " Noo you paid for me on our date ! Let me pay for you!" " Nooo i wanna pay for you!! I'll be sad if i can't!" he pouted.

I looked into his puppy dog eyes and couldn't resist. " You sure?"

" I'm sure" he kissed my check and swiped his card.

A/N : This might have been a little weird chapter but let me know what you thought. Thanks for reading❤️ Oh and it's winter break so i might update some more❤️

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