Coffee Shop AU ❤️🧡

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Bakugo walked into the small cafe, the smell of the delicious caffeinated drinks lulling him forward. He took off his fluffy jacket and walked up to the counter to place his order. It was quiet the brisk evening, light snow had even begun to fall even though it was only late October, Halloween was tomorrow. Bakugo wasn't planning to get together with friends or do anything of the sorts for the holiday, just stay home and gorge himself on Milky Ways.

The little radio on the counter played a soft tune and that combined with the soft lights, delicious scents, and warm atmosphere of the small cafe just made Bakugo more comfortable.  Just as he was starting to zone out in the warmth of his own feelings, a bright cheery face popped out behind the counter.

The stranger was wearing the standard cafe look. A light t-shirt and brown apron, along with a name tag that read "Eijirou". Not to mention the spiky red hair and soft eyes.

"Hiya there! What can I get you on this fine evening?" Eijirou smiled.

"O-oh could I uh get a caramel latte?" Bakugo slightly stuttered. A light blush spread across the barista's face.

"Sure! Would you like any whipped creme on that? I could even add a little cinnamon! Oh that would be so good!"

"Sure, whatever you think is best aha"

"Awesome! What's the name for the order?"

"Bakugo, or you can call me Katsuki if you'd like."

"That's a pretty name! Well it's nice to meet you Bakugo! I'll have your latte ready in a sec~" he added with a wink.

Eijirou ran off to make Bakugo's drink, leaving Bakugo a blushing mess. This guy is so cute, he looks like a really concentrated puppy. Ugh I hate emotions the fuck. Bakugo found a seat at a table nearby, admiring Eijirou doodling on his cup and the soft lights illuminating the cafe. A warm hand on his shoulder jerked him out of his thoughts as he looked up to see the adorable barista smiling at him as he set Bakugo's drink down.

"Here you go! I think you're going to adore it! It's made with extra love!" Eijirou added, a light pink dusting his cheeks.

Before Bakugo could thank him the guy ran off behind the counter to take another customers order. Bakugo looked down at the cup, seeing it had little hearts and pumpkins doodled everywhere. He blushed, thinking about the sweet barista, he kinda liked this guy. Before he could think about it more, Eijirou ran back to where Bakugo was sitting, and sat in the chair across from him. Eijirou's face was bright red as he started to chat with Bakugo.

"Hey again aha! I uhm, well I, wanted to ask you if you were doing anything for Halloween? I don't know I was thinking if we could maybe like go get some food, or see the decoration light show? Or maybe even watch some scary movies! Was that to much? I'm sorry! I just think you look like a really cool person and I want to get to know you more! If that's okay with you of course aha..!"

Bakugo just sat there, not really sure what to say, but in a good way of course.

"O- oh yeah for sure I'd love too, I'm not doing anything tomorrow."

"Oh cool! Here's my number then, my names Eijirou by the way, but you can call me Kirishima." He said with a grin.

"Sounds good, I'll text you then!"

"Alright, I cant wait to see you again!" Kirishima added before running back to the register to attend to the customers. As Bakugo stood up to leave he could see Kirishima fist bumping the other yellow haired employee that was working. Bakugo waved good bye with a wink as he exited the cafe with his coffee. Tomorrow could not come soon enough.

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