Puppies N' Love 🧡❤️

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Kirishima closed the door to the passenger side of Bakugos car and skipped around to meet the blonde boy in the parking lot of the animal shelter. He latched onto Bakugos arm earning an annoyed grunt from the taller boy. Kirishima let out an excited squeak as the two walked into the rather small and humble shelter, the smell of cinnamon and puppies overwhelming them.

"Welcome in! What can I do for you boys today?" The elderly woman at the front counter exclaimed.

"We're looking for a puppy! Preferably a smaller breed since we live in an apartment, but we're open to anything!" Kirishima beamed.

"Of course, let me take the two of you to the puppies yard." The old lady led Kirishima and Bakugo out a back door and into a small, fenced off, grassy area filled with puppies running and playing about.

"That's a lot of fuckin dogs, Kiri" Bakugo said with a surprised expression.

Bakugo knew his boyfriend was going to have a very hard time deciding which puppy to take home, if he could have it his way he would adopt all of them. Kirishima let out a squeal of excitement as he collapsed in the center of the pen, all of the dogs jumping on him and licking his face. Bakugo looked down at his giggling boyfriend and smiled. He loved everything about Kiri, even if he was a total goof most of the time.

"They are all so cute! Bakugo look! This one looks like you!" Kirishima held up a tan Pomeranian that had a rather angry expression.

"Wow Kiri, that's real fucking funny. I'm laughing so hard right now." Bakugo replied with a stoic expression.

"I'll leave you two to pick out a dog, I've got some work in the office I have to take care of. When you pick one out just come inside and I'll help you fill out the paper work." Bakugo nodded in response as the lady walked inside, closing the screen on the door.

"I really like this one! Look how cute and fluffy he is!" Kirishima motioned towards a small golden doodle puppy in his lap.

Bakugo stuffed his hands in his pockets and turned his attention to Kirishima.

"It's your call babe, you're the one who has to clean up it's shit in the house." He said with an unamused stare.

The small puppy that was in Kirishimas lap stood up and waddled over to where Bakugo was standing. Bakugo stared down at the tiny marshmallow of a dog as it put its front paws on his legs and wagged its tail uncontrollably.

"Pick him up! I think he likes you!" Kirishima smiled.

Bakugo reached down and lifted the dog into his arms. The small puppy licked all over his face as Bakugo let a out string of cuss words under his breath.

"Hey cut that out, that's gross as fuck." Bakugo growled as the puppy continued to snuggle into Bakugos arms.

"What do you think? I really like him and I think he likes you too! Should we get him? Oh we have to think of a good name!" Kirishima rambled.

"Slow the fuck down Kiri, if you like this one then sure, let's get him, and as far as names go, you better name him something badass." Bakugo said as Kirishima stood up from the pile of puppies around him, stepping carefully around them to reach his boyfriend.

The two made their way back into the building and met the old lady at the front desk. Bakugo handed the puppy back to Kirishima so he could begin to fill out the paperwork.

"Lovely choice you two, have you decided on a name yet?" The old woman questioned.

"Don't ask me, he's the one that's going to name it." Bakugo nodded towards Kirishima, his attention still on the paperwork.

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