Soulmate AU 🧡❤️

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(A/N: Okay the version of the soulmate AU I'm doing for this one is the first thing your soulmate says is tattooed on your arm.)

Bakugo never really payed much attention to the tattoo on his arm, it was much too generic. "I'm so sorry!" Could be said by literally anybody, so not like it was unique or anything.

"Goddamn it motherfucking hell I'm gonna be late for work." Bakugo muttered with an annoyed glance at his watch. He raced to the bathroom to brush his teeth, all the while trying to adjust his tie around his neck. His messy hair fell in front of his droopy eyes as he brushed his teeth with such a ferocity that even the toothbrush seemed to screech.

Bakugo spat out the toothpaste into the sink and rinsed his mouth with warm water. Quickly doing his best to make his ashy blond hair seem somewhat presentable, he threw on his dress shoes and ran into the kitchen. Grabbing his watch and keys along with a pear as a quick breakfast, he headed out the door to his car.

Time skip brought to you by the furry gods. UwU

Bakugo parked his car outside the large office complex. He wouldn't deny it, he hated his job. Everyday having to go sit in a mundane office cubical, typing up finance reports, it got really fucking boring after awhile. He jumped out of the driver seat, making sure to grab his half eaten pear along with his keys and wallet. Bakugo began a jog down the street, hoping to not be too late at the least.

He turned to the side to watch some guy on the street banging some buckets as drums, Bakugo had to admit, the guy wasn't half bad. Maybe he would stop by after work if the guy was still there. He lifted his hand up to take another bite of his pear when suddenly a blunt weight hit him, knocking him onto the hard pavement, his precious pear falling right out of his grasp.

"I'm so sorry!" A voice above him exclaimed in a rather concerning tone.

"AH, MY FUCKING PEAR." Bakugo yelled, the feeling of pure rage filling his body as his pear lay covered in dirt.

The stranger just stood there, his spiky, obnoxiously red hair lightly swaying in the wind and his eyes with a blank expression.

"HEY SHITTY HAIR, ARE YOU JUST GONNA STAND THERE AND STARE AT ME OR ARE YOU GONNA HELP ME UP" Bakugo was about to go insane. What the fuck was wrong with this guy. I mean Jesus fucking Christ first being late to work now an asshole with obnoxious red hair is just staring at him.

Bakugo got up and dusted himself off, taking one last nasty glare at the stranger, still staring off into space, and resumed his speed walk to work. Suddenly he felt a warm hand grab his shoulder. He whipped around, ready to destroy whoever thought to disrupt his commute once more, only to come face to face with the red haired stranger. The stranger held his arm up for Bakugo to see, the words reading "AH, MY FUCKING PEAR." Suddenly it dawned on Bakugo. He pulled up his sleeve to reveal the writing on his arm, and showed it to the stranger. They both just stood there, not quite sure what to say or how to react. The red haired stranger initiated the conversation first.

"Well I- uh, okay so this is definitely not how I expected my morning to start, sorry about your pear, but uh, I'm Kirishima, Eijirou Kirishima, it's nice to meet you. So I guess we are soulmates, yeah that's pretty wild." Kirishima stuttered, looking a little flustered.

"Well shit yeah man, uh sorry about my outburst there, it hasn't been the best morning. I'm Katsuki Bakugo, don't worry about the pear, wanna go grab so coffee or something?"

"Yeah that sounds nice."

Suddenly the pear was the least of Bakugo's worry's, and Kirishima's hair wasn't so obnoxious anymore.

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