Chapter 13

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Youra was having lunch at the canteen when her phone buzzed in her skirt pocket. She was chewing on her food as she checked on the messages.

Jin: Hey, how are you?

         I'm having lunch right now.

        What do you call a fake noodle?

        An impasta

       What did the baby corn say to its mom?

       Where's my pop corn?

       Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself?

       It was two tired.

      How was Rome split in two?

      With a pair of Ceasars

Youra choked again and coughed. She mentally noted to herself – don't read messages from Jin while eating.

Youra: I'm doing good.

              I'm having lunch here too.

              What are you having?

Jin:      Something without salt

Jin:      Something without salt

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Youra: Wow that looks healthy. It looks raw too

Jin:      I know. And tasteless.

Youra: Then why did you get it?

Jin:       No choice.

              Manager bought for everyone.

              This is what our meal looks like the whole weekday.

              I wish I can get rice.

Youra: Rice is not on the menu?

Jin:      Weekdays, no.

             Weekends, yes.

            But in small quantity.

Youra: So the breakfast at my house was cheat day?

              You had 2 servings of rice.

Jin:      Hush. Don't tell my manager ( -_- ;)

            So, what are you having?

Youra: School lunch.

Jin:      You got bibimbap?

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Jin:      You got bibimbap?

              Can we switch?

Youra: LOL, thanks but no thanks.

            You'd better skip that chicken breast with salmonella.
             You're going to be sick of you eat it.

               Let this *robot eats bibimbap

Jin:      Hahahaha you're funny

Youra: Yum, the bibimbap is good

Jin:       You're a meanie T_T

Youra: Awwww, poor you. There there.

Jin:       (-ω-、)

Youra: ( ゚o⌒)

              I'd better finish eating.

              Lunch is going to end soon.

Jin:      Have a good day.

Youra: You too.


Author's note: There's a dad joke in Korean about bibimbap – on what's a robot's favourite food. The answer is bibimbap because beep beep sounds like a robot, and the syllable bibim sounds like beep beep when it is said quickly. It's a bit lame, so yeah ^_^;

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