Chapter 17

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Long chapter up ahead ^_^


The doorbell rang at 7 a.m. in the morning. Sumi woke up holding on to her head. She had a huge hangover that only a huge shock or bean sprout soup could cure. Youra was not in sight, and Sumi could hear her in the bathroom. She could smell rice cooking and the bean sprout soup bubbling on the stove. Youra can always drink herself under the table and be fresh after a night of drinking.

Sumi groggily stomped to the door to see who would be at Youra's doorstep this early in the morning. She opened the door and she got her hangover cure. She was shocked to the core to see Kim Seokjin of BTS, at Youra's doorstep. He was wearing his mask and cap but she would recognize his face anywhere.

She wasn't in shock to see any celebrity – She saw them almost every day around her work place even if she was in the kitchen most of the time. She would see them going to the hotel she worked at. What she was shocked with was, what HE was doing at Youra's door that early.

Jin was surprised too.

He was expecting Youra, not someone else.

"Oh Jin, come on in," said Youra who suddenly appeared in between the two flabbergasted people. "Get in Sumi, it's rude to stare," shooed Youra.

"Kim Seokjin, meet my friend, Yoo Sumi, Sumi, meet Jin. Now help me with the table and let's eat," instructed Youra.

"Pleased to meet you," said Jin to Sumi.

"Pleased to meet you too," Sumi returned. Youra had a lot of things to explain. She was acting all blasé about everything as if she was used to having him at her house.

"Here, I brought some egg roll," said Jin, passing a container to Youra.

"Oh, thank you! I was planning to cook some this morning," Youra beamed at him.

Jin had actually went Youra's house again after the kimchi ran out and they have grown comfortably chummy. A few messages exchanged daily or every couple of days and some bad dad jokes along the way drew them closer. Youra refused to put other label on them other than being friends. They were good enough as it is. He was not a stuck up person to begin with. He was humble and that was what she liked about him.

They ate silently and Youra can sense Sumi was dying to know how she became friends with Jin. Youra's head was still buzzing so she just went straight to the kill.

"Sorry I haven't told you about Jin, here," said Youra casually as she ate. "He helped me home after the Ji-hoon incident and we're friends now."

"Oh, okay," said Sumi. But Sumi felt as if the food was stuck in her throat.

"You had a girls' night?" asked Jin looking at the soju bottles on the coffee table.

"We planned for a great night out. Until my brother ruined it," said Youra.

"What did he do?" asked Jin.

"Sumi and I caught him cheating with his PA. I swear to god I felt like throwing a bowl at his face at that moment," said Youra slamming down her chopstick. Jin nearly choked on his food.

"Her sister in law is pregnant by the way," supplied Sumi. "Cool down, I bet he's in trouble after you put your dad on loudspeaker," pacified Sumi.

"She did?" asked Jin in awe.

"I didn't realize she was speed dialing her dad when she walked up on Yoosuk. Their father and her sister-in-law's father are business acquaintance," Sumi explained.

"And for that, I am forever satisfied," said Youra as she continued eating. "I hope Yoon Joo eonnie is okay," she sighed.

"How about visiting her. She doesn't live far right?" suggested Jin.

"I don't know. I don't feel like bumping into Yoosuk oppa," said Youra.

"You are seriously not planning to tell what happened last night to her, aren't you?" asked Sumi.

"As much as I hate the situation, I am not going to let that out to her. I don't want her to be stressed because of what my brother did. I leave that to my dad. I just don't want to see my brother any time soon," admitted Youra.

"Then, call her and check if he's around," said Sumi.

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because my IQ is higher than yours," replied Sumi.

"Ha ha. Just by 2 points," Youra left the kitchen counter and made her call.

"Thank you for bringing her home," started Sumi.

"Don't mention it. I was there to help," said Jin.

"No really. I appreciate it. At night time like that, you don't know what kind of creep would be up and about. I was really worried when her mom called me," said Sumi.

"She called you?"

"She was frantic. I told her Youra was probably busy with Jihoon," she said. "Now that is another creep that I would so love to lay my hands on."

Jin blinked. Sumi was just as fierce as Youra.

"You grew up together in Uiseong?"

"You could say that. She moved back when she was 10 after her parents divorced. Did she tell you about them?"

"She told me bits and pieces. I could summarise as much," replied Jin.

"She's an open book. She is basically comfortable with anyone she thinks she can trust."

"I could see that."

Youra returned to the eating crowd. "Yoon Joo eonnie is at home alone. Oppa went out for golf. Seriously that man is getting on to my nerves. Your wife is home, her hormone going haywire, and you left her for golf," Youra huffed.

"I'm sorry but I'd better get going. Thanks for the breakfast, Youra," interrupted Jin as he looked at his watch.

"Do you want any kimchi? I made a new batch a couple of days ago," said Youra.

"Who drove you up to the wall this time?" asked Sumi, fully understood what excess kimchi meant.

"What do you mean?" interrupted Jin.

"She stress kimchi. When she is stressed out, she made a lot of kimchi," explained Sumi.

"The usual," replied Youra.

"Principal Goo?" asked Sumi.

"He's basically biting and yapping on my every step," clarified Youra, packing kimchi in the container that Jin brought.

"It's ready to eat," said Youra to Jin.

"Thank you. My friends really like it," said Jin.

"Your friends as in the rest of Bangtan Sonyeondan?" asked Sumi. Youra kicked Sumi. "Hey, I had to ask," complained Sumi.

"Yes, we live in the same house and they ate a lot," explained Jin. "Thank you again."

"No problem. Walk safely. Tell them I said hi," said Youra.

Youra and Sumi watched as Jin went into his car. It wasn't flashy and Youra suspected that he was trying not to draw attention to himself by doing so.

"You owe me an explanation Youra," said Sumi, with her eyes still on Jin's moving car.

"Come on in. I don't have much time. I'm going to Yoon Joo eonnie's house," said Youra.

"Be quick then," said Sumi as she closes Youra's door.

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