42 7 4

A hunger ignited within

No repose, none at all

Hopelessness taking control

Driving goals down

Struggling to thrive

Only able to survive

Cannot bring it up

Got nothing to pledge

Taking risks nonetheless

Vying for a niche

Wanting everything

Unable to achieve

Inability to merge

Myself with you

Your presence here

Effecting the blow

Pain of losing

Knowledge of failure

Bound to sorrow

Languishing, full of hate

Fear of hurting others

Just you, I guess

Rocking me off my feet

Quaking my heart

Xenophobic effect, not

Zenith for me, is you.


A/N : Hey there!

I'm glad that you're taking your time in reading these couple of poems that contain a part of me.

Constructive criticism and all comments are appreciated.


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