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My life has been a roller-coaster.

I fall in love,

Break my heart,

Mend it up,

And love again.

There was a feeling,

About all those I've been with

That made me want

To shout from rooftops,

The love I had for them.

But, somehow,

There is an enchanting quality,

An endearing purity,

That makes me want to whisper,

"I love you," for only you to hear.

You're not like the crowd,

Maniacal and pulsing.

You're different;

Calm, collected,

Most importantly, constant.

I can very well deny it,

After all this time.

But I would be lying to myself

If I say that

I have loved someone else more than you.



Fight me, bitch!

Yeah.. so this one is based of a fanfic, named 'Let's Make Love Together' on AO3 which wreaked my heart like a shirtless Dean Winchester usually wreaks my ovaries.

Criticism, blah blah blah.


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