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The stormy sea

Brewed countless emotions

Of those who landed,

Safe, homeward bound,

And of those whose minds sung

Before their doom.

It raged, drenched and purified,

Gave and destroyed,

Made countless lives, broke myriad hearts,

But them waves,

Never fell back.

They pushed through.

They rose, they came down,

They rushed ahead in full power.

Ironically beautiful

Since they seem threatening

To engulf, to consume,

To end.

They showcased a stunning view,

A breathtaking mix

Of blues, greens and whites,

Stealing the breath,

Quaking the heart,

Always, coming and going.


A/N : Hey people!

I know that I've been AWOL, but bear with me.. I'm working on my writing, and I intend to get better.

Imma be back!


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