Shikamaru x clingy reader!

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A/N: Here's a little taste of how I write!


As you entered the gates of the academy you were greeted by the smiling face of Konoha's number one, hyperactive, knucklehead ninja.

"Naruto!!" You yelled as he popped up in front of your face.

"Hey Y/N!"

You had to admit his grin was very contagious!

"Ready to meet our new teacher?" You asked as you both strolled towards your class.

"Yeah!" He replied. "I hope he's as nice as Iruka-sensei!"

You giggled. "I hope he is too!"

Even though most of the kids avoided Naruto, you hadn't. You saw him as an amazing and kind friend who came through for you. Although not everyone approved of your kindness to him. Some of the kids even tried to get you away from him by spreading nasty rumours that he had stalked you on your way back home from school. It was quite the opposite, in fact, you two had just come out of class and Naruto had invited you over to Ichiraku Ramen, since he had two free coupons. 

Although this had happened you were still friends with everyone. Especially a particular pineapple headed boy.

You two were very close growing up and you had grown attached to him ever since you first laid eyes on him. You couldn't help it, you loved everything about him: from his gravity-defying hair to his pearl black eyes and his cute little pout every time you called him his nickname. 

As you headed into the school you spotted Shikamaru sleeping under a tree, you quickly waved goodbye to Naruto and jogged over.

"Hey, Shika!!" You exclaimed loudly as you tackled him in a hug.

"Tch Y/N. I told you to stop calling me that." He said as he opened one eye, giving you that signature pout you absolutely adored.

"Well, you're gonna have to deal with it," You said imitating his pout "because now that I don't get to see you as often, I'm gonna stick with you whenever I get the chance and call you pet names."

"You are such a drag..." He said, but even as he spoke, you swore you could see a faint blush on his cheeks.

"Soooo", you started trying to make small talk, "the InoShikaCho team is back together huh?"

He nodded. "It's the best choice anyway, our jutsu suit each other."

"Well, that's too bad I really really wanted to be on your team."

"And why is that?" He asked suddenly. His full attention now on you. It even scared you a bit.

"Why is it Y/N that you always want to be with me? You have plenty of other friends, I don't see why I would be the one you would choose to hang out with."

"I... uh." You were shocked. You couldn't admit you had feelings for the guy. It would just ruin the amazing friendship you had built in the past few years.


Saved by the bell. You thought.

A/N: Did they have bells at the academy??

"Well, whatever." Shikamaru shrugged. "I'll see you around Y/N."

You stood there for a few seconds under the big oak tree, processing what just happened. Shikamaru had looked heartbroken and it was all your fault.

Another time skip brought to you by my laziness!

To put it simply your training session with your new sensei, Kakashi was a flop. You had tried to convince your team to work together but none of them would listen to you. You did end up passing your sensei's little test at the end though.

As you were walking down to your apartment you spotted Shikamaru, Ino and Choji with their sensei.

"Hey, guys!" You shouted.

"Oh hey Y/N!" Ino replied. Even though you secretly hated Ino, you didn't want to seem rude.

"Where did Shikamaru go?" You asked, looking around for the pineapple head.

"Oh? You just missed him, he said he had somewhere to go... Hey Y/N where are you going?!" The blond shouted.

"To go find Shika! I'll see you two later!"

The duo watched as you jumped on top of the village houses looking for your friend.


You swore you had searched all over the village for your lazy, pineapple headed friend but there wasn't a single place where you could find him. You had even asked some of the villagers if they had seen him but they all came up with the same answer. They hadn't.

You were really starting to get panicked now. What if something had happened to him? What if he had gotten into some sort of trouble? What if...

As multiple scenarios played through your head, you didn't realise that you had stumbled through thick vegetation into some sort of oasis with a thundering waterfall. Butterflies danced through the air and you swore you had seen a majestic deer peeking from behind a tree.

As you gazed at the beauty of this place you had found, you didn't notice that someone was behind you.

"Y..Y/N." The voice murmured.

As you turned around you were met by the blushing face of the person you had been looking for.

"Shika!!" You gushed as you bounded up to him to give him a tight hug.

"I was so worried. I thought something had happened to you. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHERE YOU WENT OFF TO!" You shouted, shaking the poor boy by the shoulders.

"Hey, it's ok Y/N I'm fine... oh god your crying... hey, come on don't do that... man, this is such a drag." He stuttered trying to calm you down.

"Heh." You said brushing your tears away.

A smirk appeared on your face as you realised a way to get back at Shikamaru.

"Hey Y/N, I'm... WHAT ARE YOU DOING." Shikamaru yelled as you quickly grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the lake below the waterfall.

"Hehe, that's what you get for scaring me pineapple head." You said sticking out your tongue towards the water.

After a few seconds, you realised that Shikamaru had yet to come up for air. As you scanned the water desperately you didn't realise a hand emerge from the water and yank you in.

As you screamed, you could hear Shikamaru silently giggling at you.

"You jerk I can't swim!" You yelled as you desperately clung to the boy's chest.

Blushing at the closeness of the two of you, you tried to avert your gaze from anywhere besides his abs that were clearly visible through his wet shirt.

"Heh. Take a picture it'll last longer." Shikamaru said smirking.

You were sure your face had flushed a thousand shades of red.

You were about to yell at Shikamaru for being a jerk but a soon as you looked upwards towards his face you found a pair of soft lips encase yours. Before you could withdraw your mind from its far places, his arms were around you. He bent back your head and kissed you, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made you cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was parting your shaking lips, sending wild tremors along your nerves, evoking sensations you had never known you were capable of feeling. And before all the tension arose, you knew that you were kissing him back.

A/N: Don't forget to vote and comment on which character you would like to see next. See ya!

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