Sero x reader

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Request by: XxMinnowleafxX

This was crazy!  You had no idea how you had gotten roped into a game of truth or dare with the girls from your class. You were just sitting peacefully by yourself absentmindedly drawing in your sketch book before you got hauled over to the table all the girls were sitting at by Mina.

"Come on Y/N you have to play too!!!" You were very confused. You were friends with the pink-haired girl since middle school but you had mostly stayed on your own throughout your first year at UA high. The truth was you didn't want to bother anyone with your presence.

"Calm down Mina! Don't drag the poor girl here without telling her what we're doing." Scolded Yaoyorozu.

"Hmm oh yeah! We're playing truth or dare!" Mina shouted with excitement. The truth was the only reason she wanted to play the game was so that she could find out about all the girls crushes. She had a master plan on becoming the match maker of the year group.

"But... why am I here?" You asked timidly.

"Why would we not want you here girl!!" She exclaimed. "Now for those of you who do not know how to play basically we spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to pick between truth or dare. Once they've picked the person sitting to the right of them gets to pick their dare or truth. Got it? Let's get started then!!"

You mostly zoned out the entire game until the bottle came to an achingly slow stop in front of you. Mentally cursing whoever created this game you picked dare. You had no idea where this sudden urge of courage came from but you weren't about to back down now. You just hoped it wouldn't have anything to do with boys. You had a crush on one of your classmates, Sero Hanta, you just hoped nothing like that would pop up.

Unfortunately for you the person to your right was the one and only pink-haired Mina Ashido. She was the only one who knew you had a crush on the tape boy. You mentally prepared for the worst.

"Ok Y/N I dare you to go say this into Sero's ear in the most seductive voice you can do." She then pulled you out of earshot and began whispering god knows what into your ear. The other girls tried to pick up what she was trying to say but were to far away to hear anything. They did however see you turn as red as Kirishima's hair.

"M...Mina you know I can't do that!"

"You're the one who picked dare in the first place Y/N." Ashido grinned teasingly, gently pushing you to the table were the boys of the bakusquad were seated.

"Now go!!" She said, giving you one last push towards the table before scurrying off back to the table with the rest of the 1A girls who were terribly confused.

Again you had no idea where this sudden urge of courage came from but you strode up to the table where the black-haired boy was sitting, knelt down to his ear and whispered, "You know Sero I'm kind of jealous of the villains you capture, I should be the only one you can bind with your tape." You were pretty sure both of you had flushed over a thousand shades of red.  After that you ran back to the table were all the girls were waiting eagerly waiting to know what happened. However before any of them could bombard you with questions the bell rang and all of you hurried off to class.


(In Class)

After that whole fiasco during lunch, you had planned to avoid the tape boy but unfortunately, he sat directly next to you. You had planned to ignore him the entire lesson and run out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang but the black-haired boy had other plans.

Just as Mr. Aizawa was about to start the lesson Sero raised his hand timidly telling the teacher he had forgotten his textbook. Mr. Aizawa let the boy off this time but said he would have to join tables with the person next to him and share their textbook. Unfortunately that person was you.

You had planned to just keep quiet and pretend like nothing happened at lunch but unfortunately for you the tape boy kept passing notes to you. You didn't have the courage to tell him the truth at that moment so you silently told him to meet you outside of the gates after school.


(Outside the UA gates)

You swore you were going to die right there and then outside of the gates of your school. You had told Sero about the dare and all the events related to it. He looked crestfallen but simply shrugged and dejectedly made his way home.

However, before he could make it to the bus stop you grabbed him by the arm and fessed up. You just couldn't ignore his disheartened expression. So you told him everything. How you fell in love with him the moment you laid eyes on him and how his passion and awkwardness made you fall for him. Hard.

After a few agonising moments of silence you knew you had been rejected. But even as you heart ached you gave the boy a curt nod and continued your walk home.

Suddenly you were pulled back and were shocked to see the tape boy leaning in to your face and just as your lips collided he whispered, "I've always loved you Y/N. The moment I laid my eyes on you I know I had to love you. But romantice things aside, how about I take up on that offer of taping you up."

A/N: Sorry for the long wait I was in Japan for a couple of weeks and couldn't update till I got back home. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

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