Obsessed! Kurama x Shy! Uzumaki! Reader

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Request by: Nanami15240


You always knew you and your brother were different from the rest of the village. I mean why else would everyone avoid you? You couldn't figure out why but why should you? You had your brother and that's all that mattered to you. Everyone else could go die for all you cared. But that all changed when you joined team 7.

You were always the outcast in that group, sometimes even your own brother would ignore you to go chase Sakura or annoy Sasuke. Even Kakashi-sensei found no value in you. You weren't exactly special. You had no increased amount of chakra or a nagging urge to get revenge on anyone. You were just you. Average Y/N. On top of all that you were extremely shy, you weren't exactly like the person to yell at someone if they were hurting you.

You remained on your own during missions and rarely hung out with team 7 or even your brother for 3 years. Your only true friend was the tailed beast inside of you. It took months for you to crack his icy cold facade, but once you got to know him  better you became very close friends. You confided in him for everything, every little thing that pissed you off during your day and in return, he would tell you stories about his past and his previous owners, including your mum. You ended up closing your emotions off to everyone else around you and focused only on the tailed beast and his well being. Unfortunately, he mistook your kindness as love and would do anything to prevent you from being with anyone else. Including your brother. So he broke out not bothering to consider the consequences it would have on him.


"I'm home!" You yelled, already in a bad mood since you got scolded by Kakashi for not showing up to training on time. He even told you that after 3 years you were still dragging the team down. What a jerk. It wasn't in your nature to shout so loudly, but you had to admit, you were pissed.

Too busy consumed in your own thoughts to realise that you hadn't gotten an answer from your idiot brother yet. As you walked along the corridor to take a shower you noticed a small stream of blood coming from your brother room. You know he came back from missions injured a lot but he could have made less of a mess. Even though you knew he could take care of himself you still went to check on him just in case.

"Hey, N...Naruto could you not make such a mess when you come back from missions like-" You stopped to find a gruesome sight in front of you. Kurama stood frozen in place leaning over your brother's bloody form. After what seemed like forever he noticed you in the doorway.

Cocking his head to the side he flashed you a sinister smile. "Oh. Y/N. Just the beautiful women I was looking for."

"Why?" You whispered, your lips trembling as you looked down at your brothers disfigured body.

He looked appaled. "I'm disappointed Y/N. I thought you'd be a lot happier if I was in this world to support you instead of your idiot brother. "

Your eyes widened. "N...no. He may have been an idiot but he was my only family." You backed away from the door.

''So you've learned nothing". Kurama sighed. His piercing red eyes bore into your soul and were the last thing you saw before you blacked out.


When you woke up you were in a cave. A fire crackled beside you, with a bowl of steaming soup placed towards you. You were about to pull yourself up before a clawed hand pushed you back down.

"You shouldn't get up now." Kurama's deep voice echoed throughout the cave. "Rest. I'll wake you up when your soup cools down. I couldn't forget the fact that you've got a *Neko's tongue."

Your face flushed. He remembered that after even three years of being apart. You decided to comply and laid down for a little while. Your dreams, however, weren't pleasant. Every time you closed your eyes you could see your brother's dead body on the floor of your home and standing over him was Kurama, blood dripping from his fangs, his eyes staring straight into your soul. You woke up with a start, your head colliding with Kurama's fluffy fur.

He rubbed his head with his paws. "Jeez Y/N I knew you were hard-headed but I swear you must have rocks for brains."

You lightly slapped his shoulder, he was much smaller than when you'd visit him in his cage. "Y..you know that's rude to say to a lady."

"I guess your right. Well.., I'm going to take a nap over there. Wake me up if something happens." The beast walked off to the other side of the fire, curling up into a ball, his face angled towards you. You had to admit, he was cute when he slept. As he snoozed off you realised, this was your chance you could escape from him and run back home where you could go back to your normal life. But then it hit you. You had no reason to go back to your normal life. Everyone ignored you and not even your sensei found value in you. You had made up your mind you were going to stay with Kurama.

You got up and went to go snuggle up beside him. The tailed beast smiled. "I knew you'd come around." He said while embracing you in a hug. Enveloped in his warmth you soon fell asleep.


*Neko's tongue or Cat's tongue - meaning you have a very sensitive tongue.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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