Houses In Your Heart

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Caitlin Watson was a Loser, she'd always been a Loser, ever since she met Stanley Uris when they were four. And then she met Bill, Richie, and Eddie, and the five became inseparable. And Caitlin, always the toughest of the bunch, would do anything to protect her friends: blackmail Greta Bowie, punch Henry Bowers, fight a fucking clown, Cait would do any of it. And Pennywise is going to have to learn what happens when someone messes with her boys.

Disclaimer- hopefully this goes without saying, but I don't own anything except for my ideas

Warning for Hockstetter being creepy as hell

Houses In Your Heart

The Last Day Of School

It's common knowledge, in a town like Derry, that nothing good ever lasts. It always shrivels up and disappears, leaving a hollow town of hollow people in its wake. Caitlin Watson knew this. So in the summer of '89, a few months after the disappearance of Georgie Denbrough, she made a decision. She was not going to lose her friends. Not now, not ever. She would grab them, and hold onto them forever, and never, ever let them go. She would follow them to the ends of the earth, or, as the case may be, into the sewers of Derry. But that's not how this story starts.

No, this story starts with innocence, with hope. It starts with eight children who have no idea about the evil lurking in their town, who are unaware of the horrors they will soon face. It starts with the last day of school, with a final bell, and with a protective ray of sunshine by the name of Caitlin Watson finishing her last class of the year.

As soon as the final bell rang, Caitlin was twisting around in her seat. Her brown - and newly pink - hair swung over her shoulder as she beamed at the boy sitting two desks behind her.

"Need any help carrying that?" She asked, gesturing to Ben's diorama.

"I'm alright." He smiled bashfully. "It's the first day of summer, you should be with your friends."

"You're my friend too," she corrected him.

He smiled brighter, but shook his head. "I'm alright, Caitlin."

Caitlin nodded as she stood. Shouldering her backpack, she gave him another beaming smile. "If you say so. Have a good summer, Ben, don't be a stranger!"

She left the room with a final wave, making her way outside to find her boys. It wasn't hard to do, but Cait's heart constricted when she saw Patrick shoving Stan into the ground, ripping the yarmulke from his head.

"Hey fuckface!" All eyes turned to her and oh, she didn't mean to say that out loud. "Let him go!"

"And what'll I get if I do, Kitten?" Patrick sneered, abandoning Stan to approach the younger girl.

Caitlin froze when she felt his hot breath on the back of her neck, hoping that her boys - all wide eyes and ready to run - wouldn't pick up on how scared she was. She had to take care of them, had to protect them, and her own terror was secondary; it had to be secondary. No matter how gross, how creepy, how absolutely horrifying Patrick was - just like Henry Bowers - she had to suck it up and keep them away from her fellow Losers.

"I-" she started, before falling silent again.

"The way I see it, you owe me something big for this. Bigger than our previous arrangements," he told her, his whisper sounding like a scream, one that only she could hear. "You know what we've talked about. Maybe bring one of your boys too, maybe four-eyes."

Although he didn't know it, that was exactly what Caitlin needed to hear.

"Nobody touches my boys," she hissed, pulling away quickly. "Not now, not ever. And if you try, I'll fucking kill you myself."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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