Prologue: Link Start!

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I was walking down the street,and of course,the press was asking me about my time in that death trap of a game. Now,your probably wondering: "How the hell did you get here?",Well that all starts with a game called Sword Art Online. But for you,aka me to understand. You gotta go back to the beginning.

~Unnecessary ripple effect into the past,Y/n pov~

"Awesome! I finally got it!Wohooo!"I shouted from excitement

"Well geez,your lucky that Beta comes with an extra disc in case."My friend,Kazuto said

"Damn straight I'm lucky!I get to play the newest VRRPG at Beta stage! And its all thanks to you!"I said,and I'll admit,I was a teeny bit tipsy,nothing that a little milk can't fix[Not even sure if thats how it works,I don't drink.]

"Drink some damn milk man,I don't want you to stumble and get a concussion"

"Fine fine."I walked to the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk and started to chug it down

"I said drink some,not all the damn milk boy!"He said,snatching it from me

"Hey!I was enjoying that"

"I don't care,My mom doesn't get payed til next week,and it will be my head if the milk is gone by then!"

"FIne fine,lets get onto SAO. Kay?"I say

"Alright,lets go!"Kazuto said,as he ran up the stairs to get the VR headset on

I followed and did the same and at the same time,We said "Link Start!"

The mainframe became white and different colors were coming right at me,of course not hitting me

I my eyes closed and I was in a place to customize my avatar

So,I customized him to what my mind said to customize him as.

[Imagine any Ichigo outfit that you want,other then Gigai Ichigo]

"Hey,that you Y/n?"I'm guessing Kazuto asked



"Huh..Kirito eh? It suits you."

"Thanks,Yours suits you too.But I'm gonna keep calling you Y/n. Can't stop me"

"You would dare challenge me?"

"This isn't mortal fighting 8. So of course."[Copyright avoiding lvl-999999]

"Well come on!Lets go suit up!"Kirito said,starting to jog away and I followed.

'This is going to be a fun time.'

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