chapter 2 - bastard

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"This feels wrong." Adrian muttered for the umpteenth time.

Jaxara sighed. "Most people reply with a 'thank you' when someone wishes them happy birthday."

Adrian glared at her. "My birthday is the least of my concerns. And to be honest, it doesn't feel like a happy birthday. It's more of a 'everything could go wrong and I don't know how to feel about that' birthday."

The sun was yet to rise aboard the Hell Wreaker, which was drifting through the Sanctia Seas, one week away from the Kreed's Wood. The early morning wind blew through Adrian's hair and mostly blasted on his face, making him suck in a tight breath. The ocean was relatively calm, which was a blessing considering the nightmare that had been the last three days. The sea had treated the Wreaker like a rocking horse, turning her from one side to the other constantly for hours. Crew members were hurling their guts down the sides of the ships, and some even came this close to falling off of it. But they carried on with their duties. Hard work didn't always pay off for the crew, but when it did – it was worth it.

"Thank you, by the way." Adrian gave in, earning him a lopsided smile from Jaxara. Her hair was sea green today, a shade darker than the ocean itself. She wore boots hiking all the way up till her knees that gave her a bit of a height, still making her annoyingly taller than Adrian.

It most definitely did not feel like Adrian had turned twenty-four today. Normally, the crew would've made a big deal out of it, the way they do for everyone's birthdays on deck. A bit of fooling around would've been certain, with Jaxara maybe smashing a cake into his face. The food would've been delicious, with Hayden making creamy mashed potatoes and grilled fish. But that would not happen today. One thing had been certain the moment they began this journey to Kreed – there would be no messing around. Birthdays were the least of their concerns when they had a war to prepare for.

"Have you heard from Sanvi?" Jaxara asked, making Adrian flinch. That was his reaction now, every time anyone mentioned either of those two girls in front of him. The guilt stayed with him, even though it had been four years, and Zosia had constantly reminded him that it wasn't his fault. He had done what he had to do. And the girls had made their own choices, knowing all too well what the future held for them.

"No." Adrian replied, his previously good mood becoming duller. "But I did hear from Zo. Sanvi had another execution today."

Jaxara winced and kissed her teeth. "Poor girl. Even my life was better when I was her age." Adrian bit down on the guilt. I brought this down on her. He wanted to say out loud. But he knew the reaction from Jaxara that would follow. She would tell him that the girls had decided their fate, and that he had done what any good leader would've done in his place. She would spend hours convincing him of his innocence, but it wouldn't help him in any way.

Instead, he tried to remember the times when life had been good for the girls and him on the Hell Wreaker. Nothing was perfect, but it was better than what could've been. Sanvi would always be the last one to get up, and Adrian would have to order Zosia to do everything in her power to wake up the other girl. And boy, did Zosia find the most creative methods to do her job. She once accidently blew Sanvi overboard into the water, which caused Sanvi to almost tear down the ship itself. The girls had got quite the scolding from Adrian after that, and a punishment of cleaning up the decks, kitchen and toilets. That day had been quite bleak, but it was hilarious to think back now.

He remembered the day he first met Sanvi, small and fragile in the narrow alleys of Olta. A man thrice her size had beaten her up and left her to die, and Adrian being who he was, found the man and killed him as justice. When Adrian had come back to see how the little girl was doing, he was shocked to find her still breathing, and her bones slowly mending.

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