Part 11

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     The girls walked into math class the next day disturbed by the voodoo dolls. They knew that they were going to be turned into a math book next so they did something crazy.....They both snuck calculators in their pockets to get through the 90 minutes with Raandy the math demon. They walked in and Raandy was slithering around the room mumbling. The girls wondered where he had put all the voodoo dolls. Raandy's eyes started to flash with joy as he saw Elsa and Avery. They ran over to their seats and he slithered over to them. They both took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

     "REaDy FoR MAAAAAAAtH ClAsssssssssss LadIessssssss?" He whispers hissed with his horrible coffee breath.

     "Y-y-y-ye-ye-yep" Elsa stamerd.

He moved over to the front of the room and the girls exhaled with relief.

     " Today you will be completing 1,000,000 math problems in 1 hour or else....." He hissed as he looked straight at the girls. Elsa and Avery looked at each other, they knew what they had to do.....cheat. Avery put her hand on her calculator in her pocket and her heart started to race. She knew they were going to get caught. Raandy passed out the test and It had 1,000 pages with 1,000,000 math problems. Raandy laughed with joy when he saw the horror on the student's faces.

     "ReAdY....... BEGIN!" He yelled. Avery and Elsa frantically threw open their papers and started working as fast as they could without a calculator. Raandy slithered away to intimidate other students.

     "NOW" Elsa whispered as loud as she dared. The girls grabbed their calculators and rushed to get as many answers as they could without Raandy seeing them. Avery looked at the clock. 15 minutes had passed by! There was no way they could pull this off. Raandy stood up and ran over to the girls. They shoved their calculators back in their pockets just in time. He walked away again and then Avery and Elsa got their calculators again. This continued for 40 minutes. The girls had 5 minutes left. They were almost done! Raandy was greedily munching on a bunny he caught outside. When both the girls finished. They were so happy! Elsa pumped her fist up with joy. But it backfired immediately, Her hand came down and knocked the calculator out of its hiding place and onto the floor with a bang. It slid across the room and stopped in front of Gwen's desk. Raandy growled with anger and speed over to her and with a snap of his fingers and a scream from Gwen, she was now a math book. He placed her in his collection.

     "LeT thIs bE a LessOn tO aLl of YoU.....NEVER DISOBEY ME!" He screamed at the now almost empty class. The girls looked at each other with tears in their eyes and waited until math was over. What bothered them the most was that almost all the students didn't finish the test and they were all math books. There were only 4 other students left in their class. On their way out Raandy was on the phone and they heard him say

     "Yes, it's happening tomorrow... yes, I know Elsa and Avery are the keys to our plan".........

                                                                    To be continued

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