Part 8

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Avery and Elsa were scared. They had tried everything they could. They just couldn't get rid of the demon. They were down to the last resort. If they could find a last resort. Everything they did didn't affect the demon. He seemed untouchable. Even the poison they had made didn't do any damage. It was an impossible task. The demon could not be taken down. He wasn't going to stop until the whole world was a giant math book. They did find a weakness in the demon. He seemed to have a crush on someone, they didn't know who.

"It's dark in here," whispered Elsa. "I can't see!" The girls stumbled over a chair lying on the floor.

"I know but we have to keep going. We have to stop the demon." Avery said. They walked into the math room and gasped. There was the demon walking around and laughing. The girls ducked behind a desk and watched wishing that there was more light. The demon was talking

"I can't wait till I take over this whole school! THE WORLD WILL BE MINE!!!" at this thought the demon laughed. It was an evil laugh that sounded like nails on a chalkboard. The girls ran out not wanting to be turned into a math book. 

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