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-Kody's pov-

This part of the story takes place around the holidays, december.

Please enjoy!

(Kodys writing in his journal)

It's december 1st, I have been becoming closer to Lumine, I've been hearing sounds from his bedroom. I don't know if I should go look or not, Lumine isn't here right now, he's with his REAL mother, Even though I might be emo, depressed and all, I don't want Lumine to lose his mom like i lost my dad. I really think I should, But at the same time, I feel like it's wrong. What if it's like a weird device? What if it's a werewolf hunter? What if Lumine never left? What if it's another werewolf?, Honestly, I'll just wait to find out, I'll ask him later-on, Or if he even gets back. I'm somewhat worried as well, Lumine was nervous when he first left out, Trembling and shaking even. I don't even think that's his real mom, I hope he's okay. Well, I've been writing long enough, And i hate writing, This is just what my therapist tells me to do, "Journal you feelings", She said, "It'll all become better!". Sureee.

I start walking through the corridor, Second guessing myself as i pass Lumine's room, "Should i go check? NO! that's a invasion of privacy", I thought to myself. My thoughts just kept flickering like a lightswitch. It's now mid-day, I'm still walking around in our house. (Yes the old House, After everything, All the bad people died, Mostly because i'm lazy, but otherwise, Back to the story!) My lip starts trembling, I'm worrying about Lumine, Mostly if He was kidnapped and that wasn't his mom, But also because i'm bored, So so so bored. I hear a growling sound, I tiptoe around the corner and said, "H-Hello?", This was the first time I was stuttering, I was so nervous, But surprise surprise, I didn't get a response, My face was just in shock, Not like, Freaking out and screaming, But more like, "Meh".  sprinted to the kitchen to grab my phone, It's not what i came for but, I'm already down here so whatever. I grabbed my phone and sat down at the kitchen island and texted for at least an hour. Then, As I was scrolling through instagram, I saw Calla's page, CALLA, As in, My ex-bestie! I was just thinking to myself, "What the actual heck?". I was going to click on it, But then I heard a noise outside. I ran to the window to see what it was, I just stood there in shock. It was..


Hope you enjoyed!

436 words

(Looking for a artist to draw this story, Please comment a social media you can use, Please no instagram, Facebook or twitter. thank you!)

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