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I just stood there in shock, it was Lumine! i quickly put on my slides and ran outside to hug him, But he just didn't come inside or even knock on the door. I knocked on the window and asked, "Lumine? , Are you okay?". He just turned and pouted then he mumbled, "N-No." , I was in shock, So i asked him to open the door so i could bring him inside. "Lumine, Please open the door, I want to talk.", I said softly. "U-um, S-Sure", He said in worry. Lumine opened the door and I hauled him inside. Something didn't feel right when i was bringing him inside, he seemed, Dead, Less lively than he usually is. He looked so tired and bruised. As soon as we got in he IMMEDIATELY ran towards the stairs and said, "E-Erm, I gotta g-g-o Q-quick, I-I'm coming back q-quickly.". I stood there worrying until i finally spat out some words, "A-alright". I just went back to the kitchen and sat down. All i wanted to do was hug or at least kiss his cheek. After a couple of minutes, 5 or 10, he came back down. "K-Kody!", Lumine cried. He ran up to me and gave me a bear hug, I hugged him back. I felt happy, Warm, Loved. After that, I just felt like i was a whole nother person. "K-ody..", Lumine said crying, " I-I love you". I was in complete shock! I didn't know whether To be happy or, To be Mad.

I would usually be angry, Because im not gay, But i think i just found out what sexuality i am. Bisexual. I also loved Lumine, He makes me smile, And want to just kiss him. I love him and no one can change me, Or that fact.

EHH? Sorry for the short chapter! I had school, -.-

Please forgive me! the next one will most likely be longer!

(I'm also looking for a artist to draw this story, Please choose a social media to talk on, No twitter,Facebook or instagram.)

Comment down below if you want to draw this story.


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