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Throughout the long course of history, people have speculated what lurks beneath the surface of the beautiful blue waters of our ocean surfaces. Different cultures have called them many different names, but intern, they all can be translated back to one word.

Mermaid. Or Merman in this case.

It wasn't like the young Nephilim boy was purposely looking for the merman. He just happened to be in the right place at the right time. You see, Jack was fed up with everyone treating him like a child. He wanted Sam, Dean, and Castiel to treat him like a regular hunter, but he was far from normal. He was the son of Lucifer, and that gave him extraordinary abilities.

So he found himself walking. There was no destination in mind; it was just a simple walk to clear his head and get his bearings back. Living near the woods was always a comfort. Especially since he lived in them for a while back in the apocalypse world. The smell of the pine illuminating his sense to everything around him, making him feel more connected to the world.

Walking further into the woods, Jack comes across a clearing with a big pond. He'd seen this clearing before, but something about it made him want to stop and stay awhile. The way the sun glittered across the water and shone through the trees, this place was just beautiful. Sitting down on one of the rocks, he takes in the surroundings, unaware of the supernatural creature that was lurking in the waters below.

And the very supernatural creature would change Jack's life.

Beneath the water, a boy with scales and tail was awoken by a sudden power shift. Swimming out of his small cave, he rubs his eyes and starts to swim to the surface. He was hoping that his old friend Gabriel was here to visit him. He missed the old candy-loving archangel. Popping his head out if the water, he is instantly disappointed to find a boy with short light brown hair.

Jack hears the sudden splashes, and his eyes instantly look in the direction to find the boy. Taking in the boy's appearance, he knew he was different. His pointed ears, the scales on his cheekbones, the somewhat jagged teeth, the jagged lines on his neck, and his top half seemed to be completely naked. Normal people would've screamed and run away from the pond as fast as they could, but Jack wasn't like most people. Other supernatural creatures fascinated him.

So he leaned forward and could only must up one word, "Woah..."

As fate would have it, Jack leaned a little too far forward and fell directly into the pond. He didn't swim to the surface; he wanted to get a better look at the creature that was in the water. Keeping himself under the water, Jack got a better look at the boy. He found that the boy didn't have legs; instead, he had a blue fishtail that had multiple fins on the side.

The merman, on the other hand, could just stare at the boy who was looking at him. This was the son of an archangel and a powerful one at that. Knowing all to well that people or angels can't swim, he swims forward and grabs ahold of Jack with his webbed hands, pulling him to the surface.

When the two broke through the surface, Jack was left gasp for air while the merman just floated there, watching. "Hi, I'm Jack!"

The merman watched in confusion as he extended his hand as the boy, Jack, said his name. Was this something humans do when they introduced themselves. Mimicking Jack, the boy holds out his webbed scaly hand and says, "Indigo."

Jack smiles and shakes his hand excitedly. Once the shaking starts, Indigo quickly withdrawals his hand, hisses at him and then moves a little bit away from him. "I should probably get going. I'll see you-." But before he could finish, Indigo was gone. Jack finishes sadly, "tomorrow..."

Climbing out of the pond, Jack teleports himself home, nearly scaring the crap out of Dean and Cas, who were holding on to one another's hand before Jacks' sudden pop in. Seeing Jack soaking wet causes panic to surge through both of them, "Jack, what the hell happened? Are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I thought I saw something in a pond and fell in." He tells them, leaving out the part of his scaly friend. He didn't know what his two father figures would do to a merman. He'd never heard stories or knew if they existed until today.

Calming down, Dean says, "Go wash up. We'll mop up the floors."

And so Jack went on his merry way to his room to grab some spare clothes for a shower. As the water runs down his body, he begins to wonder about his merman friend. So his quest for more information started, and he was going to be better prepared for his next meeting with his supernatural friend.

For the first time in a short while, he wondered what tomorrow would bring.


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