Halloween Special

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C: C'mon Ryuko it'll be fun.

Ryuko: What are you five?

C: It's the only night of the year where we can get free stuff without stealing.

Ryuko: it's just candy we can buy as much as we want already. Why should we do this?

C: Because it's free and fun and Mako will be there and it's an excuse to dress up without looking insane and I literally can't think of a bad reason.

Ryuko:.... Fine but I'm not dressing up!

C: I can work with that!


Narrator POV

C, Mako, and Ryuko were currently running through the two-star district getting candy from every house. Mako was dressed as a zombie from some anime she had a microphone for some reason, Ryuko was in Senketsu, and C was dressed as everyone's favorite punny skeleton which didn't work because he is massive but hey at least the makeup was super convincing. So far they had gotten a good haul. The slums weren't to keen on giving them anything considering everyone there is poor. Which really didn't help considering it made Ryuko want to do this even less. The one-star district had been better, some mini candy bars, Tootsie rolls, jolly ranchers, ya know small stuff that anyone could buy in bulk and yet still have a decent amount for themselves. The two-star district though now that was a different story. They got full size candy bars at almost every house a couple just left bowls out full of candy which C was happy to empty.

Mako: C we aren't supposed to take it all.

Ryuko: Who cares if you're not caught?

C: See now you're getting into it.

Ryuko: Whatever if you would have told me you were basically just going to make a fool of yourself all night I would've agreed in a heartbeat.


Ryuko was getting really sick of waiting for C. Mako was here but this was C's idea and he is taking forever.

Ryuko: C! Hurry up or we're leaving you!!

C: Hang on one second!

Ryuko: I've been waiting for te-

C: Boo!


C: It's Halloween you're supposed to be scared.

Ryuko shoots him a glare and flips him the bird.

C: Maybe later GearEyes, but first candy!

Present time

Cutting Threads (Ryuko Matoi X OP OC) Multiverse Tales Book 1Where stories live. Discover now