First Day

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"And this is your office here." Alison says, opening a heavy wooden door.

I step past her and look into the room, my eyes widening. It's very bright, with floor to ceiling windows on the back wall letting in natural light from outside. There is a large wooden desk in the middle of the room with a black leather computer chair sitting behind it, and two plush cream chairs in front of it. On the left wall, there are white cabinets with a mini fridge built in. On the counter, there is a small microwave and a Keurig.

"This is my office? Or Mr. Sage's?" I squeak out, turning back to Alison.

She politely hides her smile behind her hand. "It's yours, Ms. Weeks. Trust me, Mr. Sage's and Isaiah's are much larger."

"Larger." I nod my head turning back to my new desk. "Thank you, Alison. And call me Kristen."

"Not a problem, Kristen." She emphasizes my name. "All your company log in information will be in the folder on your desk; your ID name, temporary password, security badge, etc."

"Okay, great. Thank you again." I smile at her.

She smiles back and turns to walk away. I close the door behind her and lean against the door. I seriously cannot believe this office is mine. It's huge! I mean, it's about the size of my kitchen. Which, obviously, isn't that big. But still. I love it.

I take a small step towards my desk, but get hit into the wall when my door is suddenly swung open.

"Miss Weeks," A deep voice resonates through the room. "Oh. Alison! I thought the new EA was here!"

I clear my throat as I straighten my skirt and walk out from behind the door. I look at the man that walked in and my breath catches in my throat.

Was he this handsome the other day?!

"Sorry," I start.

"Oh crap!" He interrupts, his eyes widening. There was a slight southern accent in his voice that I couldn't help but notice. "Did I hit you with the door?"

"It's okay, Mr. Sage, I-"

"Isaiah. Please. Mr. Sage is so formal." He says with a smile.

"Isaiah." I smile back. "Sorry, I was just taking everything in. I'm so grateful to be here."

He smiles back and gestures to my desk. "Have you had a chance to settle in yet?"

"Not quite. I actually just got in here after Alison showed me around the office and gave me the rundown on how y'all like to do everything."

"Oh ok, great. So I'll get to show you my secrets to everything." He winks and walks around to the computer chair. "In the information packet it tells you to log in to your email first before logging into the company database. But, if you login to the database first it automatically logs you into your email. Which is a huge time saver, for me anyway. Considering your passwords and login ID have to be different for both, and I almost never remember the email info." He laughs. "But anyway, let me walk you through this. Go ahead and drag one of those chairs over behind here so I can show you some tricks in the system."

An hour and a half later, I think I've written down most, if not all, of the tips he gave me for the company's system. There was actually quite a lot.

"Thank you again, Mr. S- Isaiah." I correct myself after he gives me a look. "Sorry, that's going to take some getting used to."

"So, what made you apply for our opening?" He questions, running his right hand through his hair.

"I actually applied a few years ago, before I was hired on by Mr. Castner. When I saw that y'all were hiring again after I left his office, I knew I wanted to apply again." I smile at him. "I'm just thankful that y'all gave me a chance this time around."

He nods his head. "Why did you leave him, if you don't mind me asking? He spoke so highly of you on the phone when we called him."

"Just differing opinions in what a working environment should be." I cringe internally as what happened flashes through my mind. "It just wasn't a very good fit for us."

He watches me intently, and I wish I could tell what he is thinking. Does he believe me? Does he know I'm lying?

I get lost in his dark brown eyes as he stares into mine. My mind compares the color with the color of tree bark, drenched from hours of soaking rain.

"Well Ms. Weeks," He starts, standing up abruptly. "I will leave you to find your way around our system. I know my dad wants you to get to know everything for yourself before we really start bombarding you with everything."

"Thank you Mr- Isaiah." I give him a small smile at my slip-up. "For all your help this morning. I'm very appreciative."

"Anytime." I can't help but to watch as he walks towards the door. I was so distracted that I didn't even notice him stop at my doorway and turn around.


Startled, I look up at his face, feeling a deep blush spread across my face. "I'm sorry, yes sir?"

OMG. Was I seriously just checking my boss out? And he caught me?! Ugh.

"I said I hope you have a great first day." He says with a smirk as he turns around and walks out. 

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