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She's gone. My mother is gone. She disappeared on July 4th. She said she was going to grab snacks from the snack stand for us.
She also said that she was going to be back in 10 minutes. We waited and waited. 20 minutes has gone by, but no sign of mom. We started getting worried. It was a big fair. So we grabbed our cellphones and split up to look for her. I checked the food area, while dad checked around the rides.

We met up by the entrance, hoping the other would say they found her. But nothing came out of anyone's mouth. Only watering eyes were to be noticed. So we started to ask people. We asked strangers, the workers, and the snack stand worker that mom said she was going to. He said she never came by. We asked if he was sure and he said he was positive.
Me and my dad started to panic! I whispered to my dad if we should call the police, trying not to alarm the others around us. No reply. But starts dialing those famous numbers. He started walking a few feet ahead to talk in private. I look down at the ground to see the bracelet she was wearing. The bracket I made for her.
I couldn't hold it anymore. I burst out with tears and my dad comes running over to give me the hug I needed. He told me it was going to be ok and that the F.B.I was coming to investigate. I lifted my hand. The one with the bracelet. He stared at it for a solid minute. Then a single tear drop streamed down his face. Then another and another. I looked at him and felt all the emotions. Me seeing him cry, makes me cry a waterfall.
I say," remember this bracelet?" He gives a slight nod. We connect hands and walk to the car. I still have tears sliding down my face. Lots and lots of tears. But I can tell my dad is trying to hold it in.
He's afraid if he starts crying he'll never stop. So he doesn't let a tear drop fall. But I do. When we get home I flop on the couch and stuff my face in a pillow. I can feel the tears soaking the pillowcase.
I start to remember the good times we had together, and sadly the bad times too. I turn over onto my back. But I find myself to be uncomfortable so I tune back around. I try to sleep, but I can't.
I was up all night. Didn't get a single hour of sleep. Today is Monday, and I think my dad already knew there was no way I going. I sleep in, to 12:15.

My dad was up and working. But I could tell he was not ready for it. My best friend Sarah, asks me where I am. I lie and say I'm sick, cause I don't want her knowing what's really happening.

She will try to help and when she helps she doesn't stop until I'm ok. Which means she takes time out of her day to make me feel good instead of herself. My dad eventually goes back to sleep around 1:30.
I go down to get lunch but i made sure I was quiet so my dad wouldn't wake up. I made a ham and cheese sandwich with some chips and Oreos on the side.
Then my phone buzzes. I check who it is. It's an unknown caller? At the moment I have no suspicions on who it could be. I decided to pick up. I hear a low voice, which is very hard to hear. I couldn't quite make out what he was saying, so I put it on speaker.
I say," hello?" And he reply's saying," I have your mother. If you want her back, come and find me." I start shaking. I get the chills, but I don't tell dad yet, cause I know if I do he will think I'm lying.
So I run upstairs and grab my notebook that is sitting on the nightstand. I rip out every page in the book that is already used. I go to what now is the first page and write," Mom".

Below it I write unknown caller ID. This is the best clue we have yet, I think to myself. I get a slight smirk on my face. If you saw me, you could she the joy in my face. My eyes sparkle, my checks get Rosie red and my lips grow wider. "We have a hint" I say to myself. Then I have the most amazing thought that I never knew I was going to have. She's not dead. My mother isn't dead!
I laugh with excitement. I start dancing around my room. But then I realize we don't know where she is. I need more than just me to help looking for my mother. I can't do this alone. So when it's 2:50, and everyone is out of school I text my best friends. All 3 of them responded. They all said they are sorry and they'd be glad to help. Sarah came over right away as I stood outside waiting for her. She came sprinting's at me and gave me a big hug. She whispered that she's sorry. And I said thank you, in a shy tone. Now lets get at started.

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