Chapter 5

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"Suri?" East slowly walked up to Suri.

"East, can you take me to you're daughter's school, she got into a fight. Suri said completely ignoring what she had witnessed.

"Suri, - wait what?" He said getting flustered.

"Yeah, maybe if you wasn't caught up with some random then you'd know." Suri walked off bumping her shoulder against his. Walking to get her roti skins back.

Summer watched the whole thing play out and she laughed to herself. Thinking here Suri was thinking that she run shit, when really it was her that ran shit with East.

Summer was East's favorite, she used to work as a nanny for him but his daughter got her fired. East still fucked with her from time to time. Summer walked of following East, because he had offer her a ride home.

Meanwhile Suri was pissed. She walked to the car and waited for it to be unlocked, East was behind her like a tail, so was Summer behind East.

When the door was opened Suri opened the back door to put the skins in the back. When she was about to close the door Summer opened the front seat door and got in. Suri sighed and East heard it. She got in the back seat and waited for East to drive off. She felt like if he had used her. They headed for the school to pick up Siara, when they arrived there Siara saw Suri and hugged her tight. All Siara wanted was Suri. Suri had tell her life story to her, Suri was also bullied, so she knew what it must be like.

"Riri, they told me such hurtful things and I got mad." Siara said now in tears.

Suri hugged her tight, she knew the feeling far to well. East watched as they walked to the car, sad his daughter looked.

"Riri can you make me mac and cheese please." Siara begged . While getting in the car not noticing Summer and her dad.

"Girl, you eat to much in that ."Suri sat in the car with her in the back seat. 

"Hi dad!" Siara said. She had noticed Summer and continue talking to Suri.

"Tell Summer hello Siara." Suri said softly to her but East heard it.

"Hi Summer. " Siara said fake smiling.

Summer smiled at her and waved. Summer didn't like kids, but she like there daddy's.

When they had dropped Summer of Suri thought about how East had her in that front seat this morning.

It was now mid evening and they had reached home a while now. Suri didnt say a word to East, she just focused on Siara trying to make her feel better. 

Somehow the children had found out at school that her mom left her and didn't want her anymore. Siara didn't want to think that it was her bestfriend Storm but that was the only person she told, and now everyone knew. Siara fought with Storm, for letting out her secret and won. She told Suri everything that happened. Suri comfort her knowing the pain the poor child was going through, because she had been through it before. People would always say bad things to Suri in highschool, how her clothes wasn't clean and he parents didnt want her because she was ugly and left in a home. Suri sat on the couch with a crying Siara in her arms.  Suri was like a mother to all the little girls in her orphanage. She knew how it could be sometimes. 

"RiRi, I don't wanna go back to school."

"Girl, you gonna walk back right in that school, you gonna get all your certificates and walk right back up with your head held high. Thats what I did, and it worked, don't let your bully's win. You gotta show them who you really are." Suri told Siara with a tear rolling down her face.

Suri Sloan (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now