Chapter 21

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Oh No! The end!
"Kayla, I said something to East and I don't know what to do, he left and hasn't come home and it's three in the
morning and I tried calling his phone but no answer," Suri said sniffling.

  "Relax, don't stress the baby," Kayla said softly, because
Sleeping Siara was next to her.

  "I had sex with him earlier and ever since that happened, I've been feeling depressed and self-conscious." Suri cried.

"Relax babe, its just your hormones. East needs to
understand that too." Kayla spoke.

Suri sighed, and to her surprise, the door opens and she
hangs up. Suri was waiting on him for hours, and he finally came smelling like some channel's woman perfume.

  "Hey, I'm sorry about what I said earlier, I was just going through some feelings," Suri spoke, but no answer.

East was pissed off at her, because of how she thinks of him.

Suri didn't really mean what she said though, she was
feeling depressed and insecure. She regrets saying that,
because now East and she were not on talking terms. She walked away and went to the bedroom. Suri wasn't going to bother asking him whose perfume was on him because it will make the situation worst. She decided that going to Kayla's would be the right thing. Suri packed a few of her clothes and items of importance in a Gucci duffle bag and walked out the door. East made her feel bad and she no longer wanted te to see him
At Kayla's the next day.

Siara left for school and Suri just laid across Kayla's couch like a log listening to Nicki Minaj's Come see about me. Kayla had worked so no one was home. Suri was bored and depressed. A while later the door was open and King came in.
"The hell you doing here?" King chuckled

  "Chilling alone as you can see," Suri said playfully rolled her eyes.
"Get up and go get ready, I'm taking you to a beach party.

  "Can't have me pregnant sister in law chilling by herself." King, Kayla's boo said.
  "I don't wanna, I just miss my man." Suri pouted.

  "What happened?" King asked.
"Don't play like you don't know, I'm sure East told you
already" Suri sighed.

I know he likes to overreact that's why I'm asking you."
King chuckled.

"Well I was in my feelings, I felt insecure and depressed I also said something that I should have never said to East, he left and came home smelling like female perfume and I try to apologize to him and he wouldn't talk to me, so I just came here," Suri explained.
"Damn, he will come around, imma talk to him." King shook his head. King knew East loves to overreact. He really found it strange that his Bestfriend hung with him last night at the hideout. There were bad bitches all over and East must have had one of the girls dance for him. King sighed, he was not gonna rat out his friend like that although he knew it was wrong. King wanted to get them together by going to the beach party so East and herself can have a chat
"Ahhhh" Suri yelped in pain.

"What's wrong?" King asked.

"The twins are giving me hell". She scrunched her face.

"Damn, then you should stay here. Il go get us some food.

"I'm not hungry," Suri said but she was hungry, just not
feeling to eat.

  "Well I'm sure the twins are, there is nothing in this house
to eat, we always order in because Kayla and I are both
busy people." King laughed.

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