Chapter one - A strange savior.

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In the borders of the shire, the trees stood tall and still, their leaves were browning in the dim light of the setting sun, that glowed like a warm egg yolk on a pink sky of bacon. It was the evening of a Sunday night and a respectable Hobbit was taking a walk through a forest. He was sturdy, and good looking, he had misty blue eyes and a fluffy mop of light brown hair.  But, like all Hobbits he had large hairy feet, he was most proud of. He had taken an interest in blazer coats and waistcoats. He was watching the sun go down as he walked on the soft forest trail.

As he walked on, the peace around him began fade. A thumping sound approached from a distance. He paused and silently turned his attention to the dark corridor of the misty forest. He saw four boiling red eyes glaring at him, ten curving claws and a sickening taupe mist. The puzzled Hobbit shuddered with fear for he was unsure of defence or how to retreat. The creature floated toward him, it froze the trail behind. He tried to run but the creature wrapped its slimy dark tendril around the Hobbit's torso, forcing him to the floor. The creature unsheathed it's shadowy claws lay them upon the shaking Hobbit's neck. It was taunting its prey, though on the last time it would be real. Its eyes pitched and pierced into the Hobbit's soul. As the creature proceeded, a shadow burst out of the fog and unsheathing a white blade, that flew at the mysterious being like a lightning strike. The blade sliced the creature and it squawked and squealed, the creature retaliated and swung its talons at the blade rapidly. Its wielder swung the the blade and let out a fiery blast from her hands, she spun around, the combination of blade and spell looked like a beautiful white rose on a garden of summer grass. The creature let out a grotesque stench and a putrid gas, it lay on the poisoned forest ground. This savior sheathed her weapon and swished her wavy, golden hair back. She wore small iron shoulder guards, on a black corset, a short skirt of leather and chain, she also wore a  long black cape, in which she used as her sinister disguise.

The fair haired figure took a moment to catch her breath, the forest was silent. She walked over to the terrified Hobbit. She firmly held his wrists and helped him stand. He was panting rapidly and his heart felt like it was going to explode in his chest. She looked at him silently, while he was gazing up at her. She began "It's not safe in these woods, be careful, you could have been killed back there.".                                                                                                                                                                   "I'm sorry, I, I lost my way. Th,Thanks for saving my life." the Hobbit replied nervously, the fearless girl smiled upon him and calmly said "your very welcome, I'm Faun by the way" her mellow but firm voice was reassuring. He was still shaken and scared, but he found a strange comfort within Faun's voice, "my name is Bilbo... Bilbo Baggins" He said gingerly. Bilbo Flapped his arms on his sides and took a small sigh of relief.

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