~Chapter 18: A heartbreaking kiss~

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It's Monday

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It's Monday.

I wake up early - for a change - and decide to go to school. I haven't been to school in the last few weeks and I'm tired of doing nothing all day and being bored.

I don't know how I got the idea to go back to school, but it sounds good.

I throw off the blanket with a smile and walk to the bathroom. Quickly I brush my teeth and look in the mirror in front of me. A girl with long black hair and dark brown eyes with black spots stares at me. She has a broad build and a round face.

That's me.

I look at myself attentively. Am I beautiful? Would others like me?

Doubts bubble up in me the longer I stand in front of the mirror. I break eye contact with a jolt and focus my gaze on the floor. My breath is uneven and fast.

Since when do I care what people think about me? Since when would I change myself to satisfy someone else? I have to get rid of my insecurities, I want to be the same Leila again, who didn't care what others thought of her.

Because when I see my uncertainties and imperfections, would others see that too?

I knot in my belly as I walk back to my room. I open my wardrobe and look for clothes that are fun. A set that others would like.


I start again. I start to ask myself again what others would like. But the real question is: what do I like? Because that's what's really important, but why is it so difficult? Why can't I get my old self back, the me who didn't care?

I'm sitting in my closet for a few minutes and end up with a black sweater with white graceful letters and white pants. I put it on quickly after looking at the clock and saw that I had wasted a lot of time figuring out my clothes.

And before I go down, take a quick look in the mirror, and I'll nod myself. I've put on something comfortable and I like it myself. But still - without realising it - I also made sure that I dress like others.


"Where do I have lessons?", I mumble in myself. What subjects do I have today? I open my bag, hoping that it still has my grate in it. And to my great relief it is.

I quickly took the stone with me before I went to school. And now it's safe in a separate compartment in my bag. It makes me calm. It has a power of calmness, but at the same time also of anger and power that radiates from her.

History. Local 210.

"On to history then," I think to myself. It's been a long time since I've felt like going to school again. But in a few months we will have to go back home. Our real home. And I've resolved to make the best of it, the time I'll be here.

I stand in front of the classroom. I doubt whether I should knock or just step inside. What would the old Leila do? Would it be to step inside without knocking?

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