The Avengers and a Party?

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Lilith's POV

I am in my cell when I hear an explosion. I start to get worried for Wanda and Pietro they could be hurt. I am sitting down in my thoughts when my door opens and Wanda and Pietro are there.

I run up to them and give them each a hug.

"Ребята, вы в порядке? Я услышал взрыв, и я забеспокоился" I say to them in Russian I picked it up after hearing them and the people here talk. (Are you guys okay? I heard an explosion and I got worried)

"Да, у нас все в порядке, Аква, но Мстители нападают, поэтому нам нужно идти и отвлекать их" Wanda says to me while Pietro nods.(Yes, we are fine Aqua, But the Avengers are attacking so we need to go and distract them)

We start to head to the main area where the guards and workers are when we hear 2 people talking.

"Let's show them what we have accomplished," A guy said then he said "Send out the twins and Frost"

"It's too soon and Frost is not ready yet," The other guy says.

"Its what they signed up for," The first guy said and I just was like no I didn't sign up for this you guys kidnapped me.

"My men can hold them," The second guy says.

Wanda stays in the building while Pietro and I go outside. Pietro distracts the archer guy while I hide and make the ground the Archer is standing on Ice. The Archer slips but catches his balance then one of the bunkers nearby shoots him. I immediately get worried I didn't want him injured. Pietro runs off and I stay hidden while the archer's friend runs up to him yelling "Clint". I am guessing Clint is the archer's name. I come out of my hiding spot and the redhead pulls out a gun and points it at me. I immediately put my hands up and say.

"Please don't shoot, I don't mean any harm," I say scared for my life.

"Who are you?" The Redhead asks.

"My name is Lilith. I just wanted to make sure your friend is okay. I didn't want to cause any of the Avengers any harm." I explain.

"But you're with Hydra." The redhead says

"I'm not with Hydra, They kidnapped me when I was 5 and they killed my family," I explain.

"Okay," The redhead says and then goes back to checking up on her friend.

"I can heal your friend," I say walking a little closer.

"You can?" The redhead asks.

"I can't fully heal it but I can heal it enough to were he won't bleed a lot" I explain.

"Ok do it, by the way, my name is Natasha," Natasha says.

I put my hands over the wound and heal it as much as I can.

"There," I say and Natasha nods and them turns around and holds her fingers to her ear.

"Guys Clint's hit and one of the enhanced helped me a little bit," Natasha says.

The response is muffled but I see Natasha nod and then a guy with long blonde hair and a red cape flys down and picks up Clint. Natasha grabs my hand and takes me to a jet.

"Stay here okay?" Natasha tells me and I nod

Soon all the Avengers are on the jet and we take off.

"So what is your name kid?" Stark asks me.

"Lilith" I reply.

"How long have you been with Hydra?" He asks.

"I'm not with Hydra. They kiddnapped me when I was 5 and killed my family" I correct him.

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