Chapter 12: The Collaring

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Chloe woke slowly out of a dream in which she'd been riding on a train racing through a vast and verdant landscape. Master had been with her, the two of them watching the beautiful vistas speed past their window while he lovingly bound her up like a present with an endless length of rope. The lingering thoughts of the dream as her mind transitioned into a fully awake state made her smile to herself. The image of the train had been a regular fixture in her dreams for years, always headed somewhere that it never arrived to. Before this, she'd always been alone on the train, which had always previously passed through a much less inviting terrain.

She felt that, finally, her train was about to reach its destination, that she was about to reach the place where she was meant to go. Everything felt so right with Master and Mittens. She'd known them just short of two days, but felt as though she'd been with them all her life, even if only in spirit. There was no doubt in her mind or heart that she would be with them for the rest of it.

Beside her in the large bed, Mittens shifted, turning and nuzzling closer to Chloe. The adorable cat-girl had cheered and bounced with glee when Master and Chloe had returned back inside to share the news that he'd be presenting Chloe with her official collar the next afternoon. The two sister submissives, now on the verge of it being official, had clutched each other in a massive hug and cried together in happiness. The bond they'd formed, which had come almost instantly upon meeting, made Chloe feel just as complete as did the confirmation that she'd soon truly belong to Master as his honest slave.

Afterwards, they'd all sat with glasses of milk and eaten brownies while they discussed the collaring ceremony. Though it was nothing especially elaborate, the ritual of it sounded wonderfully meaningful and sacred. As she'd done before stepping foot into Master's home, she'd once more bath herself in the little pool, though this time with Mittens' help. Then, naked and washed clean, she'd present herself to Master for a final inspection. Then he would present her with a collar and purchase her with its lock. She'd receive the lock from him officially, handed to her as the payment for her enslavement. He would then attach her lock to the collar, at which point she would belong to him completely, his property and slave. Just thinking those words made Chloe shiver with excitement.

Once they'd had their fill of chocolate and milk, washed their dishes, and put away the remaining brownies, Master had removed Chloe's restraints for the evening and given her and Mittens leave to go upstairs. The two girls had raced up to Chloe's room, giggling like mad the whole way, and leapt into the large bed like two little girls having a sleepover. However, they had very quickly taken it to a much more adult level afterwards, starting out with passionate kissing and moving swiftly to ardent sexual activities. Chloe had noted that, at one point, Master had lingered at the door to the room, watching them with a warmly proud look, but obviously not wanting to disturb their time together.

Finally, she and Mittens had worn each other out enough that they simply collapsed together and fell asleep. Now it was nearing morning and here they were, curled up together, as in love with each other as Chloe had ever imagined she could be. She'd never even known she could feel such a way for another woman, much less one that identified as a cat. However, Chloe didn't think anyone could not fall at least a little in love with Mittens. She was like a magical creature, weaving spells of love and lust with her wonderful tail.

Chloe kissed her forehead softly, which made Mittens shift and make a sound not unlike a purr. That made Chloe chuckle quietly, somehow not surprised at all by it. Another little kiss provoked another little purr, and Chloe shifted slightly to angle the next kiss to Mittens' cheek. The purr was even more pronounced and a little cat-like grin came to Mittens' lips, which Chloe promptly kissed.

"Good morning." She said after the kiss.

"Good Meow-rning." Mittens drawled, garnering a laugh from Chloe. "Sleep okay?"

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