Chapter 2

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   Morgan was laying in his hospital bed, wondering if today would be the day they let

him go home. It had only been two days since he had awakened from his coma. Since

his awakening, he has seen about ten different doctors. He has also had numerous

tests run on him. If he had to be hooked up to one more machine he was going to

scream. All he wanted was to see his wife, Sara, and finally be home. It was really

pissing him off that no one seemed to know why his wife has not come to visit. He

knows Sara would have been by his side the entire time. Why the hell was she not here

when he woke up? It seemed all that everyone was concerned with was his miraculous

recovery. They kept telling him that he was a living miracle. When they explained to him

what damage had been done, he had to admit, even he was amazed. To hear that your

entire face and half your skull had to be rebuilt, your brain had swelled so bad that they

had a hard time rebuilding your skull. And on top of that, numerous broken bones,

almost every rib broken, all your fingers broken and the list goes on. Not to mention all

the internal injuries and bleeding. "I should have been dead," he admitted to himself.

The doctors were also concerned with the fact that ever since he came out of the coma,

he has not slept. They have tried various sleeping pills, all of which had no success.

Morgan understood their concerns, but he looked and felt fine. All he wanted to do was

go home and see his wife.

   Morgan was standing in the bathroom of his hospital room, admiring his physic in the

mirror. After all the damage his body had done to it, and laying in a coma for six months,

he was still in top notch shape. You would never know anything had ever happened to


   "Damn, man! I think I've actually gotten more defined just laying around in this

hospital. Can't wait until I see Sara, she will be able to tell if I have. After all, she knows

my body better than I do."

   Morgan continued admiring himself and looking for all the scars. If he had to have

multiple surgeries, where are all the scars? He heard the creaking of the door and

quickly threw on his hospital gown to go see who it was. Morgan was hoping to see

Sara, but it was Dr. Wrallings.

   "Good morning, Mr. Wright. How did you sleep last night?"

   Morgan looked at the doctor and shook his head.

   "What's the matter, Mr. Wright?"

   "You know doc, I have already answered that question twice today. I am getting tired

of having to repeat myself to all you damn white coats. Don't you guys ever read each

other’s reports? And stop calling me Mr. Wright. Just call me Morgan."

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