Chapter 3

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   Morgan was sitting at home thinking about what happened when John had taken

him to see Sara's grave. As he approached her grave, a feeling washed over him. He

couldn't really explain the feeling, but thought maybe he was getting ill or something.

Morgan had went back to John's car and asked if he would take him home. Shortly after

leaving the cemetery, the feeling went away. While sitting at home pondering about it,

he wondered if it might have been something similar to the visions he had at the

hospital. Maybe if he returned to Sara's grave he could find out who had done this to

her. All he could get out of John was that whoever killed Sara was also responsible for

what had happened to him.

   While he had been sitting there, he happened to look down at his hands. He hadn't

really thought about it, but the pain from the wounds he got when destroying John's

dash and windows had completely gone away. When he looked his hands over, they

were almost completely healed. "What the hell is going on?" Morgan was really thrown

by this. "You know, now that I think about it, the damage I did to the car came with such

ease. And now, healing like some sort of superhero or something. I'm starting to really

like this shit, whatever it is." Morgan let out a laugh and started flexing. "Oh, hell yea.

Those mother fuckers are going to pay with their lives."

   Morgan's phone started ringing. As he walked over to answer it, he was wondering

who it could be. He figured it was John checking up on him. No one else knew he was


   "Jesus Christ, buddy! It has only been a couple of hours since you dropped me off.

What's up?" Morgan didn't look at the caller ID when he answered the phone.

   "Um, excuse me!" A woman's voice said on the other end.

   Morgan pulled the phone away and looked at the caller ID. It was Krystal, Sara's

best friend. "Oh shit, girl, I'm sorry! I thought you were John. What's up?"

   "I was just checking in on you. How are you doing?"

   "Well, I'm doing as good as I can be. I mean, how is someone supposed to be doing

after waking up from a coma and learning their wife has been murdered?"

   Krystal was silent for a moment, she didn't know how to reply to that. "Morgan, I

know it is hard right now but you must always look at the bright side. You did wake up,

so you must have an angel watching over you. It might even be Sara," Krystal stopped

to dry up her tears.

   "Don't start crying on me, you’re going to get me started too," Morgan took a deep

breath to hold back his tears. He really missed Sara. "Hey, Krystal, how did you know I

was home?"

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