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!!Warning Violence and Curse words!!

Hell is the world of destruction. Fire rages everywhere, but outside of that, the immortal life of damnation is mostly peaceful. Deep in a town of Hell was a two roomed hut, it was old and decrepit, it was as if it was a scene from a horror movie. Screams came from inside, painful screams that darkened the area.

The man screams grew louder as a shadowy form pierces his leg with a dagger. Blood seeping out of his leg, staining his dirty blue jeans. A shadow in front of the man grabs another dagger and smiles, canines shining in the reddened light.

The two were in the backroom of the house, it didn't hold much except for a small desk, a bookshelf, a window; allowing the light in, and a chair. Which currently held a demon, tied up bloody and bruised. The demon gasps trying to gulp down air. He was handsome to a point, with his blonde hair and red eyes. Ears were pointed sticking outwards, trying to listen for someone who could help him. Large crimson, membranous wings were tied to the back of the chair. Even with them ripped, bloody and tied, they still tried to fight their way out of the tight binds. The man tried to cry out but was held back from a piece of bloody, soaked cloth shoved deep into his mouth, tight enough to keep him from talking, but loose enough to keep him screaming.

The smell of blood is pleasurable enough that the shadow does not kill the man, yet. "This is fun, don't you think?" The demon chuckles, twirling the dagger between her fingers. She was beautiful even surrounded by the shadows of the room, her red, violet scales glinted like glass in the dim light, her golden eyes glowed with pleasure as she twirled the dagger lazily between her fingers. Her dark brown looked black in the shadows, dragon- like horns stuck up form her head, they curved upwith elegance. A long violet, scale covered tail swayed back and forth behind her.

The demon's body shakes as he eyes the dagger in the female demon's hand, the light catching on the polished blade. Hell provides a chance for revenge.

The female figure looks down at the blade, tilting her head and smiling. She hated this man, for what he had done to her years ago. The images flashed across her mind of when she was still alive. Binds wrapped around her wrists and legs, her salty tears soaked her face as she eyed the man who stood over her.

A growl escaped her throat, stopping the knife from twirling, gripping the handle of the blade tightly.

"Have you ever noticed that the blade isn't even, one side is thin and the other side is bulky." She went over to him and leaned a hand against the back of the chair, the wood groaning under the weight. She brought the blade down gently against the underside of the victim's forearm, the tip caressing the demon's veins. "But if you notice, even though both sides are unbalanced, they work together to accomplish their task."

She pushed down slightly, breaking the skin a small bead of blood starting to form at the tip of the blade. "The handle of the blade, is the support, acting as a foundation to the blade, encouraging it to do its best. And sadly, it has no protection for itself, it's completely defenseless."

A growl escaped the male's throat, he biting down on the cloth holding back another scream, it probably hurt. That's good, let this man suffer, let him die a slow death again. She had waited patiently for twenty years, she was going to enjoy this.

The female chuckled sweetly, "But the blade, it is the arsenal, it is the protection for its support, it's thin and agile, swift and deadly." She paused for a second and stared at the blood that dripped slowly from the newly made wound. "It gets the job done." She snarled and pushed the blade down harder going through nerves and muscle.

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