Chapter Three

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                     Jolex Anatomy
Chapter Three:
     "39 year old male. John D-"
"His name is Alex. Alex Karev." said Jo.
"And who are you?"
"I'm Jo Wilson. I work here."
"What the hell happened?" Meredith yelled at Jo.
"He got into a fight outside my house. Everything was going perfectly and he was just trying to protect me. It's all my fault."
"Hey. Don't blame yourself. You didn't cause this. Alex got himself into this. He knew what he was doing."
"Take him to Trauma One." yelled Dr. Hunt.
"Obvious head trauma, broken nose, and dislocated jaw. We are going to need Avery and Torres now!" Hunt screamed.
"Hey, Karev. We got you. You're going to be okay." Meredith said to him.
Alex was moaning in pain. His head was throbbing and his hands were numb.
*machine goes off*
"We are losing him. We need an OR. There is a bleeder in his brain. We need to stop it now or else-"
"No. Stop. We are not losing him." demanded Meredith.
"Let's go. Grey stay with Wilson. I've got this." Hunt said.
     What felt like hours, Hunt walked into the waiting room and came up to Wilson and Mer. His face said it all. Wilson broke into tears and Meredith just stood still.
"We did everything we could. He had too much trauma to the head. I'm very s-"
     Jo jumped in her bed and turned her light on. She had tears in her eye. She looked at her alarm clock. It was 11:37 pm. She quickly got her shoes on and drove to the hospital.
     "Hi. I'm here to see Alex Karev. I'm his friend."
"Right this way." said a very kind nurse.
Jo walked into Alex's room where he was peacefully sleeping with his head wrapped in gauze and hand in a cast. He looked so cute when he slept. His head was nestled into the pillow with fuzzy blankets covering him from neck to toe. He would let out little whimpers here and there.
"He has been asleep for 14 hours so he should be up soon. I'll let you two be."
"Thank you." Jo said quietly.
Jo walked up to his bedside and touched his sweet face. He had bruises all over. Jo slid into bed with him and rested her head on his shoulder.
"Oh. Hey." Alex said very quietly.
"Hi. You're awake. How are you feeling?"
"I'm alright, thanks to you." He turned facing Jo. They were now forehead to forehead. He looked at her with a big smile.
"Thank you." Alex said softly.
"For what? I did this to you."
"No. I did this. It's my fault. You saved me. One more hit and it would of been way worse."
Jo just smiled at him with tears rolling down her cheek.
"Who is that guy anyways?"
"He uh. I'll explain it later. Do you need anything? Water? Ice chips? Jello?"
"I could use some water." he said swiftly. "Did you get any sleep, Jo? You look exhausted."
"I'm okay. I promise." she said.
She handed him the water but he couldn't quite move his arm up to his mouth.
"I- I cant do it."
"Here. Let me do it." Jo lifted up the cup to his mouth and served him. He was destroyed.
"What if I can't be a surgeon anymore? I can barely drink water."
"Hey. Don't think like that. It hasn't even been 24 hours. It takes time to heal. You know that." she gave him a kiss on his forehead.
"Thank you for everything." he smiled at her.
Jo climbed back into bed with him and wrapped her arm around him. She held him close. She never wanted to lose him. Ever.

     "Alright. Dr. Reef, please present this case."
"Alex Karev. 39 years old. He will be getting surgery today for his hand. Two metal rods. His jaw is healing perfectly, should be very few scars. Head lac is also healing great." Dr. Reef stated.
"Great job. Okay Alex, are you ready?"
Alex didn't say a word. He stood still.
"Can we have a minute alone please?" Jo knew he needed to be alone.
"Alex? Is everything okay?"
"I'm scared, Jo. I need my hand. If Torres cant fix it, I'm screwed. Plus I'll need weeks maybe even months of therapy. I'm never going to become head of the peds floor."
"Alex. You're an amazing and talented surgeon. You will get all your strength back. I promise and I'll be with you every step of the way. You can do it."
Alex just looked at Jo and grinned.
"Are you ready?" she asked.
He nodded.

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