Part 12- day/ night 10

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The memory of watching Elise die as I stand there helpless returns to my mind—as if I'm rewatching the nightmare unfold again. Anxiety courses through me like venom. I'm forced out of my thoughts as Mats head slams into the metal ground with a loud thump, his body lay motionless at an awkward angle. I stand there for a long minute, watching, waiting for any sign of movement—for any sign of life. Nothing. The only thing holding me back from completely breaking down is that a cannon hasn't blared yet. He's still alive—that's all I need. I hold onto that hope like it's my only treasure.

Taylor's Head pivots to face me like a deadly robot, I don't dare to take my gaze off of Mat though. No mater how much I want to or feel like I have to look at her my gaze stays focused on Matty. Seeing what she has done to him. To hurt him. Suddenly anger threatens to blind me, though I force all that anger deep down so I can keep a clear head. I can't win physically so I need to keep a safe distance from her. As much as it pains me I sprint down the endless path of boulders and metal, leaving Mat alone. "Where are you going? Come on it just got good!" Taylor teases me though I don't hear her, drowning her out I assort a plan in my head. Putting together her strengths and weaknesses, where I am, and how I could possibly kill her. How could I kill her?

"Can't run forever peep squeak! You'll run out of stamina eventually." Smirking I call back. "Oh yeah? Good luck finding me." At those words I disappear into a secrete cave only me, Matty and at one time Elise, know about. My plan forming together as I set up silently in the dark.
Nodding in approval at the trap I set up I crouch in anticipation. I can only pray now that it will work—if not it's my cannon that will blare. I lay near naked on the ground, shivering from the absence of my jumpsuit. After a few moments Taylor notices the doll I set up to look like me; my jumpsuit standing tall over a branch that represents my body. My fake head hidden by my jacket hoodie. A perfect setup to draw in someone who acts on impulse.

Taylor smirks as she sprints to tackle my fake body. Her face lost in victory. My breaths steady in anticipation, watching her ax cut through my diversion. Quickly I take a small hunters knife and cut a small rope connecting to a large boulder. A trap meant only for Taylor. Risking a peep I see Taylor look around desperately, knowing the mistake she made.

With little effort the hard rock breaks from its bounds, falling from the sky. Taylor's emotions changes as fast as it descends down at her—from happy to deathly terrified. Her scream scratched harshly at my ears but the sound left almost as fast as it came, suddenly replaced with a cannon. Gritting my teeth I look away as blood begins to escape under the boulder. I have now killed an innocent child. Someone my age.

I don't regret what I did. She was going to kill Mat and If I didn't take action, it was the best thing for me to do.

Matty—he's still unconscious where I left him! Without looking at the effects of what I made I trail back to where I last saw Mat. My mind racing, hoping that the risk I made was worth it. If anything happened to Mat it was all for nothing.
When I got to the place I found Mattys unconscious body in the same position laying on the hard floor. His body still as a dead body, the thought brought a strong chill across my body. Not a muscle in his body moved from where I stood. Scared, I checked the pulse in his wrist with trepidation. Still alive. I didn't think he was dead but still his pulse brought a certain warmness in me. Almost like a fire started in me out of no where.

My hands find mats, their cold as snow. I look down his arm and notice how his veins are prominent all the way down. Blushing I can't help but stare at it. Stare at him. Something about him makes me forget everything that is going on around me, forget all the bad. Slowly I inch my body forward at him, wanting him to hold me so badly. For him to wake up and tell me I did good. But his eyes stay shut. Again, I hold onto the fact he isn't dead yet. He can still win. He can still win.

I cocoon myself in his arms, wrapping them around me like a blanket. His warm body pressed against mine. At the embrace I forget all about Taylor and where I am at that moment. I fall asleep to the sound of his falling breaths.
A bright light wakes me from my sleep, the pain brought my hand to my face, shielding it desperately. Getting up with a rush I notice the absence of Mats warmth. I can't find him anywhere. Fear makes its way back into me as I call out his name. I scream for him so loudly my throat burns, razors cutting down my throat every time I call his name. I ignore the pain.

A gust of cold air burst at a close by tree, cutting me off. The breeze making me shiver from the loss of clothing. "Ma-" echos off the trees around me. Encasing me in a prison of cold winds and Mats name being screamed at me from all directions. The only thing I can see are bright white winds circling me in a vortex formation, circling me like vultures. I try to scream, but fail. Trying again as I am desperate for someone to save me from this hell, but in vein the most that comes out is a broken yelp. Almost like a hiccup. A small, petty hiccup.

Covering my ears I begin to cry. This is my punishment. This is what I deserve for killing that girl. Crushing her with a massive rock without mercy. I could have just ran! I could have let her live! But I was selfish, and this is what I deserve. My cold tears trail down my cheek like daggers. When I'm about ready to give up I hear a faint voice. "Nate!" It was so faint I ignored it at first, not moving from my fetal position. But then I came again, this time louder and I could make out who it was. Mat. I quickly look up from the floor to see Mat running into the storm.

His body breaks through he solid winds with ease, his arms picking me up like a child. My near naked body falls into his back like a pack. His eyes look panicked and full of fear. So full of panic. I want to reassure him I'm fine but no words come. At the shock of seeing him I almost forgot the ear deafening sounds of his name slowly making me insane. A small cry leaves my throat as I find a warm spot in his hoodie. Trying to ignore the sounds, I focus on that warm spot. I'm saved.

As we exit the storm the sound of his name leaves with the storm. I look back but there is nothing left, almost as if it wasn't there at all. I jump off of his back and onto the hard metal once more. A shiver of frozen air waves over me, with that I remember that I have nothing on but my underwear. "TURN AROUND!" I yell, embarrassed that he sees me so vulnerable. Crying like a baby and being carried like a kid, I look pathetic. Mat just laughs, a laugh full of relief. "Oh, are you embarrassed?" He continues to laugh but he listens and turns around. I look around desperate for something to wrap myself in, maybe a tree branch? When I begin to think maybe I should risk going back to where I left it I see a jacket soar through the sky and flop in front of me. I look up to see Mat. "Take it, you need it more than I do." Without question I wrap myself in the jacket me and him shared, it covers only down to my knees but at least I'm covered. A cold breeze still flows at my exposed legs but I ignore it, I skip to meet back with Mat. 

I jump in front of him, modeling the new jacket. "You like?" I ask flirtatiously. Mats eyes are trying to focus on my face but I notice his eyes dropping and going back up like a heart bouncing ball, his face quickly turns a bright shade of red. "I uh- I love it!" He says burst out, hugging me. I can't help but smile at him, he's all I need.

A loud sound breaks me from his embrace, I look up to see leopards growling at us. When they are about to circle us Mat picks me up again and we run.

What he says breaks me from whatever fantasy we were just in. Reality sinks in. "It's the finale."

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