Unknown Future

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There were two saviors who lived to save people from the cruelty and tyranny of a demoniac king in a powerful country. They were a knight known as Magic Knight, and a girl named Vima. The king had been killing and making wars relentlessly. Magic Knight who once was a knight of the king, betrayed his orders and saved Vima, a civilian s/he was supposed to kill. However it was only a test. Vima was testing Magic Knight's determination of Heaven or Hell s/he would choose. Vima then guided Magic Knight to repent her/his sins by taking the paths of light. They journeyed together, to fix the world. Yet Vima had told Magic Knight who she truly was.

No matter how strong Magic Knight is, no matter how much s/he wanted to save people; there were times when Magic Knight had to be pushed back by the king's thousand forces, and there were times when Magic Knight had to be shunned by the people s/he saved because of his/her cruel past. Vima always encourages Magic Knight.

"Go fight it," she said with swollen eyes, feeling bitter of how people could be cruel towards those who wanted to repent their sins. However she never took away her faith that people would accept Magic Knight someday. Vima would sing a sacred song to calm people's hearts. Whenever Vima looked at Magic Knight with a worried smile, Magic Knight always replied with a cheerful smile so that Vima would not feeling sad even further. For Magic Knight her/himself, Vima's song was one of the reasons for him/her to keep going. The peace might be near.

It was an ominous day when the two clashed with the king's troops. They were not ordinary troops. They were troops of demons from Hell. Only Gods of Hell knew what the king had offered to them. Seeing Magic Knight struggled a lot fighting by him/herself, Vima unsealed her deity skills, helping Magic Knight to fight. Magic Knight was surprised Vima was that strong, yet in his/her mind, Magic Knight already knew that Vima wasn't weak from the first place that Magic Knight never said that s/he would protect Vima, no matter how much Vima was so important to him/her. Magic Knight knew the weak one was actually her/him, always counting Vima to comfort him/her.

Even though Magic Knight said that he would open the path of light before, there were times s/he would feel as if darkness of her/his heart would come to mock her/him again. And came again the darkness of her/his heart just as s/he feared. However, Vima was always there for Magic Knight. Even though Magic Knight's mind was a wreck, it always calmed down immediately once s/he saw Vima who always smiled, happily or bitterly. That time, Magic Knight did not care anymore. As long as there is Vima beside her/him, the darkness can laugh as it wanted.

"Sure.. You can laugh at me who has changed."

"You're just afraid of being alone, are you? Not having anyone to guide you to the light."

"True, I'll admit that, and you can freely laugh at me too."

"I'm sure someday you'll fall and sink again.."

"Let's see about that.."

Magic Knight was not perplexed anymore. Whatever people were thinking, s/he would still save them, without a word, without the feeling of wanting gratitude. As long as Vima was there, as long as s/he could see her smile. As long as s/he could someday reached her heart more than as a guide.

On a certain day, Vima asked, "when the day breaks, will you come to me?"


"Somewhere you want to be..."

"Somewhere I want to be....?" Magic Knight turned his/her head to where the sun would rise. S/he raised her/his hand as if s/he was trying to reach the sun. "Do you think someday I can reach a light as bright as the sun?"

"Surely someday..." Vima replied with a chuckle, "I will guide you as well. Someday we are surely will."

"We?" Magic Knight laughed, "I thought you are the light yourself. You don't need more light, do you?"

"However you do need more light, don't you?" Vima laughed as well, "I shall give that light to you."

If that moment could be saved in a crystal, Magic Knight would do that.

It was a very vivid city Vima brought Magic Knight into. As they ventured the city, Vima took Magic Knight's hand.

"Where are we?" Magic Knight asked, not letting Vima's hand go.

"Where do you think? How do you feel here?" asked Vima.

"Peaceful," Magic Knight replied, "as if neither sorrow nor sadness exist here." His/her red eyes gazed through the city. "However no one is..here? I am not really sure where we are now."

"What if this is the future?"

Magic Knight laughed, "there is no way a future would be able to be seen even by a deity like you."

They stopped in a roof, watching the warm sun and sky shone upon them.

Vima looked at Magic Knight. "What kind of future do you want then?"

"It has not changed, still a peace that I want..." Magic Knight looked straight at the city, "a peaceful world where no sadness or sorrow." S/he then rephrased, "maybe there will still sadness and sorrow, however I just do not want it to be a full terror like I did before... I cut down people who stole for the sake of their loved ones, now I would not cut them down but guide and help them to be better. Just like you have been guiding me..."

Vima nodded, "I think you have learnt a lot."

"You will guide me till the end right?"


"I have never asked this, but why?"

Vima smiled, "because I know you have more kindness than you think you do. And you doubtlessly belong to Heaven."

"Even though I have made so many mistakes in the past."

"Even though you have made so many mistakes in the past," said Vima, "I have told you before, right? Gods in Heaven are merciful.."

Unknown to Magic Knight, it was Heaven that Vima showed to him/her.

"Who actually are you?" Asked Magic Knight then. Only a smile that s/he got as a reply. Yet s/he minded nothing. That smile was enough.

They went back to the chaotic world. The king and his evil troops were getting stronger to take over the world. Magic Knight and Vima battled them over and over. No matter how much the struggle, Vima's words always came back to Magic Knight's mind. However the trials, Magic Knight always go to fight the evil. That time also, the other self of her/him came back.

"Are you going to fight again?"

"Yeah... Because I've to be stronger.. And also, for peace!"

Unlike before, the other self did not laugh. It just bid a good luck and farewell, not with sarcastic voice, but with a pure good intention. Magic Knight realized, his/her souls were finally united. That time s/he could fully take the dream, with no more struggle in his/her mind.

Yet, not the struggle in the real world. The king's evil troop cast an almighty magic that pushed Magic Knight away. Vima even stopped her sacred song to call upon Heaven's judgement and screamed. She wanted to help and heal, yet Magic Knight stopped her.

"It's okay!" Magic Knight got back into her/his feet, "don't worry! Just keep singing!"


Seeing Vima's worried face, Magic Knight felt hurt. S/he did not want to worry her. However how to convince her in a situation like this? Without a single hesitation, Magic Knight throw a peace sign and exclaimed, "no need to worry!"

That time Vima was taken aback a little and stopped her steps, "Ah..." She blinked, "what's up with that peace sign?"

Magic Knight smiled, "I wonder if this sign is enough?"

Again, Vima blinked then laughed a little, "though I am worried sick like this...." She smiled back at Magic Knight and nodded, "I understand!! Go, fight them!!"

"Right!!" Magic Knight made a stance again. No matter how many foes in front of her/him, s/he was not going to lose.

"Because I will steal the future with you."

"Here I go!!"

The future was still unknown, however Magic Knight had no plans to give it away.

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