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"Watch your way junk-ass." Isaac bellowed and slammed Matt's shoulder. The contents of the tray danced as Matt tried to steady himself.

"Sorry," Matt apologized. He blew his upper lips with relief as the content of the tray stabilized. He could hear the scoff and mockery from Isaac and his friends, but he careless. The boy had bumped him on purpose but the thought of Jeff and Ema, and the occasional quake of the earth clouded his memory.

Ever since they returned that night, normality had been a far cry. No one could explain what was going on; even the principal himself seemed confused. And the always smiling Mrs. April now wears uncertain looks and was always looking over her shoulders, as though she was haunted by Vortex himself.

It was four days now, yet Jeff and Ema had not returned. The school hadn't noticed their absence but Matt knew it was just a matter of time before the authority finds out. Raz and Leonard, and a doctor Matt suspects might be working for Zone-3, had lied that Jeff and Ema were assigned special duty in the school clinic. It was not a huge lie and the principal would have insisted on going to see them himself. But right now the principal seemed too distracted to pay attention to the students.

"What's his problem?" Pinna asked Matt who took his place on one of the empty chairs.

"Nothing to worry about," He said and took a bite from the bread. The coffee was hot, so he didn't touch it, instead, his eyes traveled away from their table. He gnashed his teeth when he saw Isaac and his friends laughing with some girls. Matt wished he could brush the laughter off their faces.

He took another bite, this time observing his friends who sat quietly on the circular table. Raz, Ham, Pinna, and Leonard were there, but his blond hair stood on his head when his eyes rested on Sandra.

The cafeteria was nosy and the morning air was filled with the aroma of beef, baked bread, spiced vegetables, and other things. It was filled with all the students in the academy, both the higher grades and the lower. The curious air was flaunting somewhere, but the student seemed to be having a good time. Both the aroma and the noise seemed too faint, as Matt was lost in the difference he noticed in Sandra's appearance.

He sat directly opposite to the girl but still could perceive the vanilla fragrant she wore. Her dark hair was plaited to a braid and her training jumpsuit, streamlined her torso making her features ageless. Her face, fairly dark and lovely; revealed smooth skin like the fur of a day old chick. The girl wasn't wearing any make-up; her beauty was natural, a gift from the creator himself.

Matt forced himself not to stare. Was this not the same girl he had reprimanded since time immemorial? She was so different now, neat and beautiful, nothing to show the toughness he was used to. Even looking at her now he could hardly believe who she was. Maybe because he hadn't seen her this calm, without giving orders or living the life of Mrs. Jessica April.

Matt sipped from his cup. From the corner of his eyes, he was looking at Sandra who was smiling to herself. Her brown eye was studying the crowd. Nobody in their table knew or they pretended not to know what she was looking at, but with close observations, it appeared as though she was observing something or someone. 'Probably her boyfriend' Matt thought with a little ping of jealousy.

"It's a good thing to have you here Matt because we have a big fish to fry," Raz said.

"Fish?" Matt jerked, leaping up from his seat, but relaxed with embarrassment when he understood what the older boy meant. Too late for him though, his stomach rumbled loudly and Pinna and Ham burst with laughter.

Matt sat down and returned his gaze to the food he was eating. He was so embarrassed that he never touched the food or lifted his eyes to look at Sandra, afraid that she too might be laughing at him.

The Slate Of Vale (book 1)Where stories live. Discover now