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Warnings: sobbinglots of flash backs, mention of sexual assault 

Picture above has nothing  something to do with this story i just liked it

Grian pov

I sit back in my chair, proud of the new video I just posted, I smile wide and look up at my shelf and my smile drops as I see a picture of me, taurtis, and Sam back in high school, I grab the picture and put my hand on it, it was before he went insane....I still remember those days.


"Come on gree-on And taurtis We are gonna be late! And today's picture day!" I hear Sam shout as he running ahead, taurtis hanging back with me not in much of a rush, "how many times do I have to tell you, it's grian! Gri-an!" I shout back as taurtis chuckles, "get used to it dude, he's never gonna say it right" taurtis says with a smile, putting his hand on my back, "we both know the only reason he doesn't pronounce your name weird is because he likes you" I say back, I watch his face become flustered, "I am not gay!" He shouts, "uh huh sure" I say back in a teasing tone, "I'm not!" He shouts again as we keep walking.

I see j, I smile and walk over giving him the special handshake we made up, "how's it going j" I say, "usual," j says back, "another new car?" I ask looking at the new car in the parking lot, "of course! You know it, " j says back smirking, I smile and shake my head,"dude you always walk home, I don't get why you feel the need to keep theses cars" I say, "because I can and want to, what you jealous~" j says in a teasing tone, I smirk,"maybe" I say back, I hear him chuckle.

suddenly Sam grabs my hand, "come on gree-on! Taurtis and I want to take a picture with you," he shouts as he drags me away, j waves at me before walking off, I smile and look forward to see taurtis flustered as Sam pulls us both into a group photo.

Flashback over 

I feel tears falling off my face as I cover my mouth with one hand and hold the photo with the other, i stare down at the picture of us with uniforms and sam's arms around taurtis and i's shoulders as he had someone take a picture of us, taurtis face slightly flustered and mine just casual, I stare at my old hair style, "god I had such bad taste in hair styles" I say with a muffled bitter tone and begin to  laugh as the laugh turns into sobbing, i blink away the tears as I stare up at my channel opened, remembering when I started YouTube,  remembering when Sam brought up the idea of YouTube with taurtis and i.


"YouTube?" Taurtis asked staring at Sam like he was crazy, "yeah! We could make fun series! Maybe one based off our high school! You know how I love to write and  Direct!" Sam says with his usual fond tone, "I don't know," I say as I rub my neck, "come on! Give it a chance!" Sam says giving us puppy eyes, we look at each other and sigh and nod, "yes!!" Sam says, running off to work on something for the channel, taurtis and I give each other weird looks before going back to doing what we were doing, him making food and I working on homework.

Flash back over 

I sob into my hand more, as something jump onto my lap.. it's pearl, she cuddles me fully knowing I'm hurting, I put the picture down and hug her sobbing, "god hurts so bad" I say sobbing into her fur, she lets out a comforting meow and cuddles me, "I don't even know why I put up with it," I say to her as she meows and purrs.

I pick her up standing up, powering off my computer and turning off the light walking out and into my main part of the house, I lock the back door and front door, I sleepily wake upstairs and lay in bed holding pearl as she cuddles into me calling maui with a small meow, he comes in and jumps onto the bed cuddling my legs slightly, not that he let me know, I let out a yawn before closing my eyes falling asleep.


I press myself up against the wall, breathing heavily and begin to sob, Sam had dragged me off to a party, when taurtis was on a vacation, he got too drunk and began to think I was taurtis and took it to far, I stare at Sam as he lays in the bed not far from me,I slowly get up and walk to the living room, seeing my phone, I shake away the ghost touching along my body, I grab the phone and shakily calling taurtis, I press myself against the wall as I cover my mouth sobbing.

"Grian! Hey how's-" I cut him off, "t-taurtis" I say with a sob as I hug myself, "grian?! What's going on it sounds like your crying" taurtis says with a worried and panicked tone, "S-sam h-he....I....I " I stop myself, do I really want to ruin his friendship with taurtis?.... "what sam do grian!" Taurtis says with now a anger tone thinking Sam hurt me, "h-he dragged me to a party....w-where... someone... they" I begin before letting out a painful sob, "on god...grian...don't tell me...." he says now with a panicked tone, "I'm sorry.,. It's all my fault" I sob into the phone as I slide down against the wall and bring my knees to my chest, "no! It's not! I'm coming home! Does Sam know?! Oh god grian we will get you threw this!" He shouts as I hear him talking to someone in Spanish, "n-no he doesn't." I say knowing fully Sam won't remember he did this, "okay okay....look I'm on my way back! And when I get back we will find this guy! " Taurtis says with a hiss and I nod.

Dream/flashback over

I fly up sitting hugging my self as I begin to sob into my hands, "n-no! Grian you will not start crying again!" I say as I get up looking at the clock to see its 4 am, I sigh and walk downstairs grabbing a cup of water but I decide to make some tea.

I walk out t my recording to and flip on the light and  boot up my computer and sit down as I log onto the hermitcraft world, I see mumbo online surprisingly not afk, my hands hover over the keys, I type a quick up for a call? Lol, I sit back and sigh surprised as my discoed starts to ring, I quickly answer the call, "grian?" Mumbo voice echoes threw, "hey" I respond, as we talk threw the night.

Welcome to the new version  and partial remake of its all fun and tea until past comes back

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