chapter 2

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Warnings: implied past rape. Implied death of a background character. blood. implied  slitting a throat. cuts. Pleading  of death.

Quick note: grian is only acting like he is, its because of it's near the time of year  when everything happened in YHS, that's why he's breaking down, and seems more timid, also grian and mumbo live in different countries in here, grian moved to back England after the hole event, and mumbo at one point or another moved to America. Also Sam did make a Minecraft series based on the events, in high school, and back then they were just jokes before he actually lost it.

Mumbo POV

I throw the alarm clock off of the desk, "fiveee more minutesssss" I groan, I hear a soft meow and I peek my head up to see benji looking annoyed and hungry, I groan and slowly get up,"alright alright fine" I say as I follow benji downstairs and watch as he pushes The open  bag of cat food off the counter,making it spill everywhere  "gosh dang it benji" I say as I grab his bowl and fill it and quickly grab a broom and begin to clean up his mess, as he sits happily eating.

I sigh and shake my head as my eyes drift to the  calendar on the fridge,"oh shi- I have to be at the airport in 4 hours! " I shout as I rush around getting things unplugged and packed, I grab benji carrier and stop as I realize I'm not even dressed, "ughh!" I shout as I rush and get ready, I pick benji up as he softly laid on the counter and put him in his carrier, ignoring his meows and hisses of protest.

"okay okay, I got my computer, some clothes, filming stuff, benji," I check off the things I needed to bring, I smile as I pick up the carrier and drag the bags to my car, "off to see grian benji, and.....a 24 hour flight, ughhh" I say as I sigh slight annoyed about that, I pack the bags into the car and put benji carrier in the front seat, I get in and begin to drive off to the airport, "I wonder what grian doing" I mumble to myself.

Grian POV

I press myself up against the wall, I keep seeing the events of my high school years, I let out soft sobs and hug myself as the brutal images flashes threw my mind. I press my knees to my chest and feel as if the air in my lungs are gone.

 I feel soft fur brush against me, I slowly look down to see pearl trying to snap me out of it and calm me down, Maui not to far behind as he's meowing at me, i softly pet her and slowly stand and  pressing my self against the wall "your right......sitting here mopping won't make it any better, sides! We have videos to work on! And xisuma needs my help" I say as I feel a bit of confidence return, I hear meow of agreement and I smile and knee down petting them,"you two are the best," I say and Maui meows and pearl just gives a slight sassy look, I smile.

I make a cup of tea and walk out to my recording room and work on some hermitcraft stuff, and talk with xisuma who asked for help on some stuff, "soo mumbo coming to visit?" Xisuma says, "yeah" I respond as I help him, mine out an area, after that we went with start small talking, talking about admin stuff and more ideas for collabs, "hey sorry to interrupt but I just realize I have to edit a video," xisuma says, I look at the time surprise,"same, see you later xisyuma " I say with a smirk, "I ugh this fine then see ya gree-on" he hangs up.

 I feel my smirk drop as I freeze in my chair, I feel all the air that once was in my lungs leave me and as if a huge weight as been dropping onto me, I claw at my neck desperately trying to get air, I feel tears fall from my eyes, I begin to feel blood dripping from my neck and onto my friends and shirt, I fall backwards out of my chair and press myself up against the wall, as my thoughts cloud my mind.

Flashback time 

I press my body up against the wall as blood drips from my leg from the slash mark, I got from when he tackled me and I tried to crawl away resulting in my leg getting cut, "gree-on~ come outtt" Sam says as if he didn't just slit some of the student throats in front of taurtis and I, I cover my mouth to stop the sobbing from taking over and giving my location to him, I hear foot steps echoing towards me, I close my eyes waiting for the sweet embrace of death.

I feel a hand grab me and I flinch back, "grian!" Taurtis voice rings threw my ears, I open my eyes to see taurtis standing there blood dripping from his cheek, "are you okay?! " he asks me as I look over to see four cops, two point guns at Sam and two pushing him into the car, I feel my legs give out from under me and I fall into taurtis, "grian!" He yells, I close my eyes as I hear taurtis yelling for someone.

Flashback over

I press myself into the wall as I think back on that day, god did I wish that was the worst thing he did, but of course the cops weren't able to hold him for long and he got out and went insane as taurtis was visiting some people in the hospital and Sam found me and did much worse, it was my closest death experience... taurtis and j were the ones who found me, I think to myself.


I feel someone shake me, I let out a whimper as my hole body sore and covered in cuts, I lift my head to see taurtis there with a horrified look and j on the phone with 911 I'm assuming, "grian stay with us! It's gonna be okay!" Taurtis says as he holds me, not having a clue what to do medical wise, I let out a sob as all the memories of the last hour events go threw my head, "come on it's gonna be oka-" I cut him off and look taurtis straight into the eyes, with a pleading look I say something that I never thought I say, "please....l-let me die.... I w-wanna die" I say, no pleading for him to let me die, I see taurtis face turn into horrified and worried as he mumbles stuff to me, I see j look at me shocked before going back talking on the phone and the distant ringing of a ambulance, as ambulance people(?) come in and pick me up and putting me on something...I can't see what it is, tears cloud my vision, "please, l-let me die...." I mumble to them as the world goes dark,

Flashback over

God.... I pleaded for death to come, I still remember every detail of that night, Sam crazies smile as he did what he wanted, the slicing pain threw my back arms and legs, the laughter he gave off, how I couldn't even see my friend in his eyes, I think as  I lay my head back against the wall, they eventually caught him, not before he took the life of many more, they was something wrong with his brain that something snapped.....taurtis fully moved where the alyssum was, as much as he doesn't like to admit it, he still loves Sam, my thoughts are cut off by a text message, I look over and feel my world shatter as  16 simple words pop up.

From taurtis: Sam been released from the alyssum, they say he's stable now. He wants to see you.

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