Well I hate this week and its only Monday and I was just hospitalised and now my adoptive parents if I can even call them that, are going psycho, just because I tried to overdose on my Mum's pain killers. Yes, I may have had my stomach pumped but they're really going crazy about this. It's mortifying how quickly they can take all and anything slightly dangerous out of the house and locked in the car boot. And after getting out of hospital I got put on medication for depression and anxiety which of course does absolute shit but I can't argue when I start at school in 2 days.
Anyway let me talk about this a little more slowly.
At a young age I always thought that there was a few things wrong with me and thought I should just leave it be, so years was on I was a 'normal' happy child
Till I was 6 and told something that turned my world upside down.
The Life Of Sam Wild
أدب المراهقينSam Wild was born on the 13/04/03 She was wisked from the hospital and taken into forster care for a year before being adopted by a small family in New Zealand Where she grew up and was fine till 2015. 50% based on my life to help with my mental hea...