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The gray-eyed 12 year old sat in the darkest corner of his room. He was busy playing with a dead bug he found. He was so occupied in what he was doing, he didn't hear the screams and cries of a new test subject. 

"Put me down! Help!" The dirty blonde haired boy stopped playing with the dead bug and slowly crept over to the window. 'A new one... Let's see how long this one lasts.' He thought to himself. The blonde 7 year old was being dragged by the scientists. They paid no attention to the werewolf screaming and thrashing in their arms, kicking and biting them. He could tell the kid was a type of werewolf by his eyes. His pupils were dilated, and his eye color was a type of amber color mixed with maroon. 

Zero felt some empathy for the new kid. He had been in that situation himself before. 'Why do I even care anyways? I'm just a failed subject. He probably wouldn't want to talk to me. Not even the scientists want anything to do with me!' Zero looked around outside the window and saw a group of failed subjects being dragged by Dr. Green. "Probably on their way to be executed..." he thought to himself.

Dr. Green felt 0's stare in his direction. He shot 0 a glare before going back to focusing on his task.

0 rolled his eyes at Dr. Green before going back to his corner. A few minutes passed until 0 heard running outside his cell. 'Dr. Andie... Why me?' Dr. Andie skipped over to 0's cell and knocked- no banged on his door. 

 "Come on, 0! Your checkup is today!" He chirped while opening his door. 0 reluctantly stepped out of his cell. He couldn't figure out why that doofus was so enthusiastic all the time. It’s gotten to the point where it’s starting to seem... unrealistic and fake. 'Great... Not this dumbass again...' He thought while following the energetic 18 year old. He never was really fond of Dr. Andie. 0 just found him so annoying! He was even more surprised that he managed to stay enthusiastic in this hellhole. He did not want to deal with Dr. Andie.

Subject ZeroWhere stories live. Discover now