Chapter 6: Complete the Task

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Dr. Andie watched as Zero walked over to a forbidden room. What the heck was Zero going to do? Zero tapped on
the door and looked over at Dr. Andie, signaling him to open the door, Dr. Andie reluctantly obeyed, watching Zero go over to a cabinet.

Zero digged into the cabinet, but found nothing in it. Nothing he needed was
in the cabinet. Trusting that Zero would go back to his cell when he was finished, Dr. Andie cheerfully ran down the hall, forgetting about what he found earlier. He ran past the janitor who was mopping the floor. Dr. Andie came
to an abrupt stop, realizing that they don't have a janitor working here. 

Dr. Andie carefully walked up to the janitor. "Sorry if I sound impolite, but who are you?" The janitor jumped at the sound of Dr. Andie's voice, but calmed down after a few seconds. 

"Oh... I'm.. Of- Aidan! My name is Aidan. Nice to m-meet you, sir!" He sounded really nervous about
something. Who was he? Dr. Andie made a mental note to ask Dr. Green about Aidan later. 

 "It's nice to meet you, Aidan. I'm Dr. Andie. I have a question, though. When did Dr. Green hire you? I'm pretty sure if Dr. Green did hire someone, he would tell the other scientists.

"This is when Aidan started sweating bullets. Aidan took care thinking up his reply. 'This guy is going to be the death of me.' Aidan thought.
 "Dr. Green is b-busy right now. I-I'll speak to h-him later..." Aidan was never good at thinking up excuses. He didn't know what to do in this type of situation. Dr. Andie decided to leave Aidan alone. He was probably nervous on his first day of the job.

"Well, it was nice meeting you, Aidan! I hope to see you around!" Dr. Andie continued skipping down the hall, heading to who-knows-where. Aidan breathed a sigh of relief. He went back to mopping the floor. But he couldn't stop thinking about what was going on. How did he get hired on the first place? Why didn't Dr. Green tell the other doctors about hiring him?

He got done mopping the halls, but then he eventually found a room labeled "Execution Room." He hesitantly opened the door, to see a horrifying sight.

Blood was everywhere. The walls, the ceiling, everywhere! And laid in the center of the room, was a little boy. 

Dr. Andie made his way to the security room. That room was where he usually went if he needed a break.

He unlocked the door, only to be met with Dr. Jamie. "Hi Dr. Jamie. Why are you here?"

"I came to ask you the same question. Anyway, what do you want?" Dr. Jamie glared at Dr. Andie, which sent chills down Dr. Andie's spine.

Dr. Jamie was scary when he was glaring at someone. But then he remembered the file of the injection Dr. Jamie gave Zero. 

"The injection you gave 0. It was an illness you made. Why!?" Dr. Andie was extremely worried for Zero's health after learning what the injection was.

According to the file, it was going to kill 0 in a matter of weeks. At the most, a few months. It didn't say anything about a cure. But Dr. Andie was desperate. He needed to help Zero. He just wished that Zero trusted him...

"An experiment requested by Dr. Green. He wanted to kill off Zero a long time ago. He is a threat to everyone here. But, he is still ALIVE!" Dr. Jamie slammed his hands on the table in front of him in a threatening manner, causing Dr. Andie to jump a little bit.

Dr. Andie needed to do something. He needed to help Zero. He booked it towards the experimentation room with Dr. Jamie on his tail. 
Dr. Andie locked the door and blocked it off with a table, making it harder for Dr. Jamie to get in the room. He started grabbing different things off the shelves while looking at how the illness was created. He  grabbed a few containers, and started researching how to make a cure for illnesses. After re-reading the file for the hundredth time, his heart dropped when he realized something.

The file didn't say the most crucial part of how they created the illness, making it impossible for Dr. Andie to make a cure.

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