1 - I'm Darwin, of Course

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Song: Andy Grammer - Keep Your Head Up

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Song: Andy Grammer - Keep Your Head Up

Darwin Haquell

"A lone flame in lantern glass that shatters slowly as the dark days pass."







Darwin was internally shrieking at himself. That was what he did most- no, not shriek at himself (of course not) - pedal his legs as fast as the bicycle goes, whipping his hair behind him and making him feel as free as free could be. Around and around, the world blurring in a celebration of freedom.

"Woooooooooo!" He yelled with all his might, making a few people laugh as they became streaks of colour and shape to his right.

Classic Darwin - the bundle of joy who everyone adores.

Except for Mr Veins, of course. Whenever he was involved, Darwin was little more than a delinquent. However charming he could be, and even if he does get off lightly, Mr Veins would reprimand him with a pinch on his ear. Darwin reckoned Mr Veins probably enjoyed hearing him say ouch; actually, he was very sure of that at this point.

Missy Demetria was very pleasant, of course. She was a lovely woman that was sweet and kind and caring, unlike you know who. Just Darwin's luck.

He pulled the bike to a stop, tyres squeaking against the smooth ground, and opened his knapsack after fishing it off of his back. He eagerly looked at all the marbles and candy he had been given that day, eyes alight with sheer glee.

Now, to add to the collection!

He wondered if his brother was home - he almost always was. No, scratch that, he ALWAYS was, of course. Always. Always will be? Darwin wasn't sure, but he hoped not. It was like a disease was plaguing him, shutting him off from the outside world. Darwin supposed he was a bit too much of an introvert - not only in his mind but also physically, avoiding everything and everyone.

Except Darwin, that is.

Darwin, his only hope. And his only joy.

Besides Cody and Myles.


Darwin slowly picked up a bright red marble. He held it up, inspecting it carefully. He frowned - he had forgotten that it was always cloudy in Carsden. So, he shone his flashlight through it, and squinted at the red marble with one eye shut.

Swirling wine-red waves in the middle of a bright scarlet red; how pretty. How very pretty. Of course, they were always pretty.

Putting it back in the knapsack and storing it away, Darwin tried to focus again.

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