Chapter 4

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{Lust Will Rush Whilst Love Will Wait}

"Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow"

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"Parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow"

-William Shakespeare


She was intertwined with the sheets of their lovemaking. The atmosphere was a fuzzy haze that loomed atop her mind. She lazily gazed at the bathroom door that was left ajar, steam coming out of its gaps like liquid nitrogen. The sound of the shower almost lulled her to sleep.

Yet before soundless sleep took her mind, she decided to conclude the night with a bit of writing. She gazed at the bathroom door once again before she lazily crawled to the vanity grabbing her book with clumsy fingers.

She raced back to the warmth of her bed and dived under the covers. She glanced once again at the door of the bathroom and with a reassuring nod, she began to let her words wander on blank pages that beg to be filled.

August 28th, 2017

Jonathan came back yesterday afternoon just like he promised. He liked my new hairstyle and overall makeover. He thought it suited me well, the dark shade of brown brought out my eyes he said, the slight tan I got made my skin glow and the fake nails made him think I looked sexy. Though, I must mention this one thing which did not sit well on my heart. Once in his embrace, I had smelt the unmistakable whiff of feminine perfume that mingled with his cologne. It was clear it did not belong to me, not even close, but I feared to ask. I didn't want him thinking I didn't trust him, because I do. I trust him with my life if it came to that. My subconscious just won't let it rest I suppose.

The weekend flew by faster than I expected. In a blink of an eye. I indulged myself in all kinds of fun activities one can do in a house by themselves. I even had the brilliant idea invited one of my close friends, Mary as company. She's wonderful, the type of person who would make someone snort with laughter and forget about all their troubles, so it's safe to say she was good company, the best dare I say. 

On Sunday when the wind wasn't too harsh, I had decided to do a bit of gardening in the yard before the sun went down completely. The garden was rather unkempt with unwanted weeds growing everywhere and overgrown grass and flower bushes. So I trimmed and water the greenery. It was when I was on my hands and knees trying to pull a stubborn root out when all of a sudden I felt hands wrap around me in a tight grip. I opened my mouth and inhaled a large breath of air into my lungs so I can let out a loud scream. But, before I had the chance I felt a hand clasp my mouth shut. Blood rushes to my ears and head and all I can hear was laughter "It's just me darling" I remember him whispering in my ear reassuringly. He spun me around and hugged me tight. It was then that I noticed his odd scent. He didn't smell of home but rather very cheap, sweet perfume. But that time I merely just gave the credit to the blooming flowers in the garden.

Here I am now, wrapped in the sheets of our afterglow, yet still, my mind would not let it rest. John is busy taking a hot shower so I figured I could sneak in these few words before he gets out.

My condition is still the same. No improvements it's not getting any worse though and I'm at least thankful for that. I'm just afraid that-

-Diana Lewando

The sound of the shower closing was what made her stop her writing. She quickly scribbled down her name at the end and threw the book in its hiding place. As if on cue, Johnathan came out of the bathroom with a damp towel wrapped around his waist, water droplets dripping down his body.

He quickly changed and joined his wife under the covers. The soundless buzz of silence warped them in a sheen of solace. However, that silence was soon disturbed by the ringing of the phone. Diana jumped at the sudden shift in sound. She heard her husband groan under her and begrudgingly grab hold of his phone, and as soon as his eyes made contact with the bright flashy screen, they widened.

"Sam, didn't I inform you not to phone me when I'm home?" He grumbled untangling himself from his wife standing up and away from the bed. Diana suspended herself on her elbow and watched him walk out the balcony. The slight gentle breeze raking her hair as a gust of gale past through the threshold.

He spoke in an almost hushed tone as he leaned against the cold railing his heart pounding in his chest as he gazed back at his sleepy wife and in that sullen moment he found himself deep within the regrets of his mind. There she was waiting for him while he wasted his time speaking to someone who was not worth his attention.

All he could hear was the sound of his mistress seductively mumbling on the other side of the phone, the cold night breeze was frigid against his bare chest. "Anyway, baby I'll see you tomorrow" She purred through the phone like a kitten. Johnathan stammered a goodnight and hung up, his heart still racing. He walked back inside to the warmth and to the arms of his smiling wife.

"Work?" She innocently asked, her lashes fluttering from sleep. He hummed in response and got under the covers with her. Her soft warm skin fighting off all the coldness away from his.

That night he held onto his wife like she would vanish at command. He dared not sleep as the guilt plagued him. However, that feeling wore off once he got to his office that next morning and found his secretary sprawled on his desk, waiting for his arrival.

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