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Screams for help and backup were echoing throughout the castle, guards and warriors' hasty footsteps thumping through the many hallways. There was an attack on the castle. A league of Assassins, at that. All in black, daggers and other weaponry on their body.

One soldier, inside the castle, was left behind inside, trying to keep up with everyone else. If they didn't, they wouldn't take another breath.

One thing about them though, they were a woman. She had to fight and prove her way up to even have a normal soldier rank. So, she was oppressed from other soldiers and the general, leaving her where she is now. Presumably, them hoping that she would be gone.

Echoes of orders from the general were being yelled at other soldiers. The soldier panted, running through the hallways, glancing left and right from time to time.

Suddenly, a dark figure emerged from the shadows, charging at her with intense speed. Drawing her weapon quickly, she blocked the attack.

The attacker seemed to giggle in a feminine sounding tone. Peculiar.

"I see, you're a girl!"
The soldier's brows furrowing, "Do not try to commune with me, assassin!" She yelled.
The assassin seemed to talk further, but she tuned her out. She focused on the opponent's next move, and how she could block or attack her.
She appeared to be taking out another dagger in her other hand. Looking like she'll lunge forward to take a swing at her, she put her sword away.

"You'll look so much cuter when you're bloodied up!" The assassin said, which was more or less confusing. She took a running leap and used her right arm to attack her with the dagger.

The soldier evaded the attack. She pivoted one foot to disappear from the attacker's line of sight. She used her left hand to take a hold of the assassin's wrist, then the base of her neck, then pulled her down with all her strength, pinning her down.

Still holding the assassin's neck down, she used her other hand to take out her sword, her eyes keeping a menacing and watchful eye on her.

The assassin giggled.

"I can tell you're wonderful already." Finally seeing her up close, she had yellow irises, looking right at her. "Look, you're even hesitating to kill me!" Her eyes moved to the other's sword.

"I bet you're put down and oppressed every single day here. I bet that even when royalty's lives are at stake, they don't see how good you are." The soldier inhaled sharply. She would be lying if she denied the assassin's manipulative words. She gripped the handle of her sword harder, raising it above the assassin.

"We don't have any of that in the league. We're close as a family! Don't you want that, too?"

She shook her head, her eyebrows furrowing. "Never! I would never disrespect the Maeda Clan like that, you filthy good-for-nothing assassin!" She shouted, finally stabbing the assassin.
"Aw, well, I wished we had more time to talk." Her body began to melt? What kind of sorcery is this?!
"I can already tell that I want to be just like you." Just like that, her body melted away, leaving white blobs and goo in the shape of her body on her floor.

The once clashing of swords and orders stopped. Archers shooting through the big to small slits put down their bows and arrows.

They're gone?

Did they kill him? Did they kill her?
Or did they simply fail?

Suddenly, cheers were heard throughout the castle.

They fled!
That won't be the end of them, though. They'll be persistent.

Ochako Uraraka will fight.

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