When you wake up you can not remember your dream but you see a boy sitting in a chair on the bed next to you about the age 17. "Where am I" you say, sitting up on the side of your bed. The boy completely ignores your question and sticks out his hand. "The name's Newt its a pleasure to meet you. Any chance you remember your name" you think for a bit, long and hard but nothing comes to mind. "No I-I can't remember" he frowns at your response. "That's okay, let me introduce you to the others" "No." you say firmly. "I don't even know you let alone where I am. Why should I follow you?"The boy opens his mouth then shuts it like he's at a loss of words. You sit there in silence for awhile then you hear a loud almost grinding noise outside. "What's that? Please, just tell me. I'm scared" he sits on the bed next to you and tells you it's okay but you don't believe him. Then a dark skinned boy walks in. "What are you doing ya shank! Why didn't you tell us she was awake!" Newt tried to respond to the boy but the dark skinned boy snapped back before he could speak. "Leave now. Just go out and monitor the glade." Newt gets up and leaves. Its a shame you kinda liked him. He was so nice and happy and this new guy seems more strict. "My names Alby" He says with no expression what so all. "Can you please just tell me where I am" You say as nicely as possible trying to hide the fact your scared. "Teresa will give you the tour tomorrow, but we live in the glade, a big area of land surrounded by four stone walls which are closing right now. Rule number one, never, ever go out In that maze. Teresa will show you why soon. For now I'll show you where you will be sleeping and then Liz will take ya to dinner. Now get up and follow me." You do what he says because your afraid if you don't he will do something. You follow him down some steps and walk behind him in total silence. Thousand of questions swirl around your head. When you step out side all you can see are boys. Everywhere. Along with little huts, some woods and the big stone walls. Everyone seems to be looking at you. You feel somewhat insecure realizing you don't even know what you look like. But you weren't about to ask Alby that's for sure. You stop at a small building. About three girls are inside. "This is Liz she will be taking care of you for now" then Alby leaves. "Hi!" Liz says "Welcome to the glade."

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