First day

450 8 10

"Y/n, wake up."

AJ sighed as he climbed onto your bed.

"You asked for it." The boy states as he jumps on top of you.

"Ow, shit AJ."

"I had to get you up somehow." He gets up and runs out of the room.

You slowly sit up as you rub your eyes, grabbing your phone to look at the time, 6 am, You thought 'just wonderful.' to yourself. You pushed the covers off and walked straight to the bathroom, turning on the shower. You look into the mirror and gasp as you see your hair, it's an absolute mess. You sigh as you get undressed, hopping in the shower. Thoughts running into your head, both good and bad. Whenever you're finally done, you get out a wrap a towel around your (slim/chubby) figure, walking into your bedroom as water is dripping from your hair to the carpet. You looked into your closet, you only had a couple outfits as you had just moved in with your new adoptive parents, Carley and Lee, who already had a son of their own, AJ. You grabbed a vanilla colored dress that had oranges on it. You walked over to your bed and placed it as you took the towel off your body. You put on your bra and underwear, afterwards grabbing the dress and looking at it with a smile on your face. This is the dress Lee and Carley got you when she first moved in 3 days ago. You slipped the sundress on and walked over to the mirror, looking at yourself and you frowned a little bit, looking at a scar on your forehead. It was from the car accident that killed your parents that summer. Ever since then you've been deathly afraid of cars. You stared at your feet as anxiety filled your body, deciding that you'll walk to school today. You walked downstairs, looking at your new parents who were sitting on the couch watching "disco Broccoli with AJ.

"Hi Lee, Hey Carley." You said nervously

"Hey sweet pea."

Lees voice is gentle, somehow it always made you feel okay.

"Hey Y/n, do you want me to dri-" Carley asked before she was interrupted by the anxious girl.

"No thanks, I'm gonna walk." You said quickly as you felt a pain in her chest.

Even mentioning a car caused you to freak out. You grabbed your bag and put it on. You said goodbye to Lee, Carley, and AJ before walking out the front door. You stared at your feet as you walked slowly to school. On your way you saw a group of kids, around your age. One had short blonde hair, she looked annoyed by the group. She was holding hands with a girl with reddish hair, there was a girl next to her, looking exactly like her, must be twins. The twin was clinging onto a guy with dreads, he looked uninterested in the girl with long, red hair. He kept his focus on the blonde haired girl, trying his best to annoy the hell out of her, by the looks of it, it was working. The dreaded boy looked over to the girl walking alone, he was the only one of the group that noticed you. You quickly looked down and blushed after you guys had made eye contact, making the dreadhead laugh quietly. Y/n approached the school and let out a nervous sigh, this is the first time you've been back to school since the incident with your parents. You walked inside the school and headed towards the office. You stood quietly as the office lady looked up.

"Hi, my name is y/n Everett, I'm new and I need my schedule."

You didn't necessarily like your new last name, you preferred to go by l/n but you knew you were now known as y/n Everett

The office lady gave you a smile as she printed out a paper, handing it to the shy girl.


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