The park

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You woke up in your bed, yawning as you grabbed your phone. The phone read 9 am. You scrolled through your notifications, you saw a text from Louis.

Louis: Good morning :)

A smile grew on your face as you texted him back.

Y/n: Good morning Lou.

Louis: You're finally awake, I missed you.

You blushed as you read it

Y/n: Well maybe you could come over early, only if you want.

Louis: Yeah, I'll start heading there now.

Y/n: Perfect

You scrolled through Instagram for a few minutes before placing your phone down and getting up. You walked out of your bedroom, still wearing your pajamas, a tank top and booty shorts (or whatever you feel comfortable in). You walked downstairs and into the kitchen, grabbing a spoon from the drawers. You walked over to the dishwasher and grabbed a bowl out of it, placing the bowl and spoon on the counter before hearing a knock on the door. You walked over and opened it, it was Louis. You didn't expect him to be there already.

"Hey, I didn't expect you to be here so soon."

"My house is only a few minutes away from yours." He smiled as he looked down at what you were wearing.

"If I knew you lived so close I at least would've put on some clothes." You looked down and blushed.

"Don't worry about it, plus, you look way better in those pajamas anyway." He walked inside, and shut the door.

You blushed at his comment as you walked into the kitchen to continue making yourself breakfast.

"I like your house." He said awkwardly.

"Thanks, I've only been here for a few days, so I'm still getting used to it."

He walked into the kitchen and watched you make breakfast.

"You can grab some breakfast too if you want." You state as you look for the cereal.

"I ate before I got here." He smiles.

You open a cabinet where you finally find the cereal, unfortunately for you, the cereal is all the way at the top, out of your reach. You stand on your toes and reach for it, still way too short to grab it. Louis laughs as he walks over to you, grabbing the cereal and handing it to you. It wasn't until now that you realized how tall he was compared to yourself.


"No problem." He smiles as he looks down at you.

You prepare your cereal, putting in the milk first then the cereal, Louis stares at you like you've just handed a gun to a kid.

"What the hell are you doing?" He asks you.

You takes a bite before answering him.

"What?" You glance at him, confused on why he's getting mad.

"You're supposed to put the cereal in then the milk."

"No you aren't!" You raise your voice a little.

"Oh my god, who even are you?" He crosses his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2019 ⏰

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