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It was finally lunch time and luckily Renjun didn't have to introduce himself in any of his classes thanks to Chenle and Jisung who had told the teacher that he didn't want to. Now he was with the said boys at the lunch table. Renjun was sitting listening to Chenle and Jisungs weird conversation about which is better, Jeffree Star or James Charles.

"James Charles is better!"

"No! That is bullshit Chenle, Jeffree Star is better!"

Chenle now had his tongue stuck out at Jisung while he laughed at him. After a couple of minutes of bickering they came to the conclusion that both makeup artists were the best, even though they still thought their opinions were better but they just didn't want to fight anymore.

Renjun looked around the lunch hall, his eyes landing on a boy who was seated with a few others who he assumed to be his friends. He had pink hair and from afar Renjun already noticed his long ass eyelashes. When looking at his hair he felt like a basic bitch with his dark brown hair. The boy was talking to his friends and seen him looking over at them, he winked and went back to talking which made Renjun blush slightly.

Damn why did he have to notice him?

"Ah Renjun you were looking at that boy with pink hair right?" Jisung spoke out a bit too loud with made Chenle shush him down, Renjun nodded hesitantly just in case this guy was Jisungs enemy or something like that. "He's the school fuck boy. You wouldn't expect it though because he's legit kind to mostly everyone." Chenle continued nodding as he seen Renjuns eyes widen in shock.


"Did you not notice that he's in our class?" Jisung asked the boy who was still thinking about how a fuck boy just winked at him. "Renjun?" Jisung spoke once again, waving his hand in front of his friends face. "S-sorry.. What was i-it?" He said softly. " Did you not know he's in our class?" Renjun shook his head no, he hadn't even noticed him, well why would he?

Then the bell rung signalling that it was time to go to the next class, the boys put their rubbish in the bin and ran. Trying to go as fast as they could by running, hoping avoid the rush of students that would be crowding the halls. They got the halls but it was already full with students, pushing past everyone. Renjun really didn't want to walk through them all, he didn't want to get pushed, he was fragile. He felt like he would break if it happened.

"C-chenle.." He said, tugging on his friends uniform with a nervous glint in his eyes, his anxiety might've kicked in once again. Chenle didn't hear him because his voice was so gentle and quiet but he felt the tug so he looked over to him and he could tell he might've been nervous. Seeing as he knew how shy and fragile the boy seemed to be he got Jisung and they put Renjun in the middle. They huddled around him and they made their way through safely to their classroom.

Renjun let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks g-guys..." He said really quietly because he was embarrassed that he had to get Jisung and Chenle to guard him from a bunch of students in a hall.

"It's fine and come on! We don't wanna be late!"


𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚎𝚝. 𝖱𝖤𝖭𝖬𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now