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One week of school had been completed.


Renjun was pretty confused for the last three days, a lot of the boys; like Ten, some boy called Johnny, Jeno, Donghyuck, Mark and of course Jaemin were all talking to him pretty randomly. he didn't have a clue why, but he just listened to what they had to say and nodded his head, or shrugged his shoulders and they would sigh,walking off to their seats or to their friends.

It was weird to say the least, but it didn't bother him really so he brushed it all off his shoulders and walked into his English classroom on his second Monday of the year, everyone's heads shot up from the sound of the door opening and then put their heads down straight when they saw him.

He didn't sit beside Chenle and Jisung in this class so he had to sit on a free, empty seat next to another empty seat; they hadn't got assigned seats. Which was dumb in Renjun's opinion.

And, well... He shouldn't have sat there because the man himself, Na Jaemin walked into the room, running a hand through his soft looking pink hair. Renjun's stomach felt like there were butterflies flying around in circles in it, he knew it shouldn't be happening; especially when he sees Jaemin. He didn't want to admit that he had a tiny crush on him, if people knew that he had a crush on a fuckboy they would spread the news and Jaemin would find out.

Probably causing Renjun to get fucked by him.

He kinda didn't want that to happen. Key word: kinda. He also kinda didn't want to admit it. Actually scratch that, he just DIDN'T want to admit. There were a lot of things he didn't want to admit recently.

Jaemin looked over at his friends and smirked. He then finally walked over to the empty seat, that Renjun was hoping he wouldn't sit down on; there were other empty seats and he was hoping he'd sit on one of those. "Hey Renjun." Said Jaemin as he plopped his ass down the seat, putting his legs up onto the table and looking Renjun's way.

Renjun waved a little bit at him and quickly took out his English books and burying his head into it as if he was revising over what they had done for the past week. Jaemin knew he just wanted to hide his face because he was blushing, he already knew it. He chuckled and grabbed the English book out of Renjun's hold and behold the tomato which is Renjun's face.

"What a cute tomato. Why did you come to this school?" The pink haired asked, giving him back his book. He just shrugged in response and he wiped the sweat off of his forehead as the teacher walked into the classroom, her hair looking like a big bush; she probably hadn't had the time to brush it or she was just too lazy.

"She must've had a good night last night and forgot to brush her hair." Jaemin said out loud; everyone could hear him and added  a slight laugh. The teacher looked over in his direction.

"Na Jaemin, feet off the table! Also i didn't have a good night last night, my boyfriend dumped me and all i have is my cat now! So expect a lot of homework because I'm for sure angry!"


𝚚𝚞𝚒𝚎𝚝. 𝖱𝖤𝖭𝖬𝖨𝖭Where stories live. Discover now