forty five

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I'm scared because I was gonna ask Mark out tonight but I'm too nervous to ask him and I've decided not to come, I'm sorry if you guys wanted me to come :(

Aw that's okay, you're not missing out on much

Please don't tell anyone else what I said, okay?

Yeah, will do

Thank you so much, have fun tonight :)

Thank you!


Renjun put his phone away, biting his lip, looking down at his lap. He was good at keeping secrets but Mark would be so disappointed that Donghyuck didn't come. All the gifts they bought, the flowers, chocolate, the stuffed animal would all go to waste.

But he could give them to him some other time, right? He thought, sighing quietly. But that would ruin everything, it wasn't as special as the last day of the school year.

Renjun decided he'd keep quiet, Hyuck didn't want him to tell, so he wouldn't... But it was hard.

"Guys we're nearly here!" Ten shouted into the back of the car everyone else 'woohing' and clapping as they were all excited. Renjun woohed too but there was a puddle in the bottom of his stomach that made him wanna tell Mark what was happening before he'd become upset.

He could see it: Mark standing there with everything he had bought, waiting for Hyuck but him never coming. If that was him, he'd be so sad about it, and he didn't want any of his friends to be sad. He was going to tell Mark, he had to.

Once they arrived at school they all got out of the car. Johnny locked it and they all walked in, everyone else in the school were all arriving now too, girls walking wearing their dresses, boys wearing suits.

In Jaemin's opinion they looked the best here, not to be cocky or anything. Renjun walked silently, thinking about how he'd tell Mark.

"Are you okay baby?" Jaemin asked, stopping so that Renjun would end up walking along beside him, he held his hand as they walked down the halls. "Yeah I'm okay, but the thing is... Donghyuck isn't coming.."

Jaemin looked at Renjun with a shocked expression, running his free hand through his now blue hair, yes, he had dyed it for this occasion also because he thought it would look cool.

"Are you serious right now? Or are you joking?" He said making Renjun shake his head, sadly it was not a joke. "I promised Hyuck that I wouldn't tell anyone, because he told me everything about why he wasn't coming, but I had to tell you. Everything Mark did for this and Donghyuck isn't even coming."

"We've got to tell Mark."

"That's what I was thinking."

Everyone had already gotten into the gigantic hall where the prom was taking place, before Chenle had walked in he shouted for them. "Hurry up!" He shouted at them and they started to run, running into the hall.

All the others were already dancing, having a good time, while Mark stood at the side of a stage, probably waiting for Hyuck.

Renjun and Jaemin both walked over to him quickly.
"Hi!" Renjun said happily when they got to him. Mark smiled, still looking around for any sign of who he was waiting for.

"Um... Sorry to uhhh break it to you but Donghyuck... Donghyuck... Isn't coming." Jaemin broke the news to him, watching his face turned for a hopeful happy one, to a shocked upset one in a split second.

"What?!" He exclaimed, nearly dropping the gifts out of his hands he was in this much denial. Renjun had his phone out at this point and he gave it to Mark to let him read the messages he had sent to Renjun in the car.

"He's scared to ask you out! That's why he didn't come. He was going to do the same thing you were doing, but he chickened out, thinking you'd reject him!" Renjun said, looking at Mark as his tears were brimming in his eyes; the light of the phone reflecting onto his eyes, making them much more visible.

"You gotta do something Mark." Jaemin, patted his friends shoulder reassuringly. But Jaemin was right, he had to do something. Donghyuck was probably at home right now, crying to himself because he was so sad, still thinking Mark didn't like him the way he liked him.

"I-I don't know what to do tho!" The nearly crying watermelon loving boy said is despair, really not knowing what he could do at this point. He felt like giving up, he really did. Donghyuck was going to ask him out tonight too, so there was still hope! If Donghyuck liked him and he liked Donghyuck and they were both going to ask each other out this night he was bound to say yes if he went to his house and asked him out! This was it, this was the plan.

"Wait! I know! I'll go to his house and ask him out there!" He said, smiling a bit at this sentence. "I don't care if I miss out what's going on here, I can just ask Johnny if I can ride his car to his house, I have a drivers license!"

Renjun and Jaemin both smiled at this idea as well, liking how it sounded.

"YES, GO GET YOUR MAN." Renjun practically screamed, pushing Mark to Johnny, who wasn't too far away from what was going on. He had been dancing with Ten, Ten was probably showing him some of his sassiest moves.

"Johnny let Mark drive your car, he needs to go to Donghyucks House. We'll tell you everything if you let him!!"

Johnny stopped dancing and fished for his keys that were safe in his pocket. "Okay, but you better spill the tea about what's happening." He said, handing over the keys to Mark, him saying thank you and then running off.

Renjun and Jaemin got, Chenle, Jisung, Johnny and Ten to gather around and they told them everything about this and they all had different reactions.

Chenle and Jisung both giggled, saying that Donghyuck wouldn't stop talking about how he was going to ask Mark out AGES ago. Ten giggled as well but for a different reason. "I wonder what they are gonna do OOOOH." He had said, trying to attempt looking like the lenny face. Johnny just clapped, happy that the Markhyuck ship was finally going to be real.

Please, PLEASE, let Markhyuck be real.




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